Creates a new Transaction object.
The chain ID of the Network (e.g. "1" for Mainnet).
The payload of the transaction.
The maximum amount of gas to be consumed when processing the transaction.
The gas price to be used.
The address of the guardian, in bech32 format.
The signature of the guardian.
The nonce of the transaction (the account sequence number of the sender).
The options field, useful for describing different settings available for transactions.
The address of the receiver.
The username of the receiver.
The relayer address.
Note: in the next major version, sender
, receiver
and guardian
will also have the type Address
, instead of string
The signature of the relayer.
The address of the sender.
The username of the sender.
The signature.
The value to transfer.
The version, required by the Network in order to correctly interpret the contents of the transaction.
The signature, as computed by a signer.
method, use guardianSignature property instead. Applies the guardian signature on the transaction.
The signature, as computed by a signer.
method, use signature property instead. Applies the signature on the transaction.
method, use "TransactionComputer.computeTransactionFee()" instead.
Computes the current transaction fee based on the NetworkConfig and transaction properties
method, use chainID property instead.
method, use data property instead.
method, use gasLimit property instead.
method, use gasPrice property instead.
method, use guardianSignature property instead.
method, use nonce property instead.
method, use options property instead.
method, use receiverUsername property instead.
method, use senderUsername property instead.
method, usesignature property instead.
method, use value property instead.
method, use version property instead.
Checks the integrity of the guarded transaction
method, use nonce property instead. Sets the account sequence number of the sender. Must be done prior signing.
method, use options property instead.
Question for review: check how the options are set by sdk-dapp, wallet, ledger, extension.
method, use receiverUsername property instead.
Converts the transaction object into a ready-to-serialize, plain JavaScript object. This function is called internally within the signing procedure.
Converts a transaction to a ready-to-broadcast object. Called internally by the network provider.
fromRaw data of a transaction, usually obtained by calling toPlainObject()
method, use toPlainObject instead. Converts a plain object transaction into a Transaction Object.
newConverts a plain object transaction into a Transaction Object.
Raw data of a transaction, usually obtained by calling toPlainObject()
An abstraction for creating and signing transactions.