Source code for

from typing import Sequence

[docs] class PartsHolder: """ PartsHolder holds data parts (e.g. raw contract call arguments, raw contract return values). It allows one to easily construct parts (thus functioning as a builder of parts). It also allows one to focus on a specific part to read from (thus functioning as a reader of parts: think of a pick-up head). Both functionalities (building and reading) are kept within this single abstraction, for convenience. """ def __init__(self, parts: Sequence[bytes]): """ Creates a new PartsHolder, which has the given parts. Focus is on the first part, if any, or "beyond the last part" otherwise. """ = list(parts) self.focused_part_index = 0
[docs] def get_parts(self) -> list[bytes]: return
[docs] def get_num_parts(self) -> int: return len(
[docs] def get_part(self, index: int) -> bytes: if index >= self.get_num_parts(): raise IndexError(f"part index {index} is out of range") return[index]
[docs] def append_to_last_part(self, data: bytes): if not self.has_any_part(): raise ValueError("cannot write, since there is no part to write to")[-1] += data
[docs] def has_any_part(self) -> bool: return len( > 0
[docs] def append_empty_part(self):"")
[docs] def read_whole_focused_part(self): """ Reads the whole focused part, if any. Otherwise, it returns an error. """ if self.is_focused_beyond_last_part(): raise ValueError(f"cannot wholly read part {self.focused_part_index}: unexpected end of data") return self.get_part(self.focused_part_index)
[docs] def focus_on_next_part(self): """ Focuses on the next part, if any. Otherwise, it returns an error. """ if self.is_focused_beyond_last_part(): raise ValueError( f"cannot focus on next part, since the focus is already beyond the last part; focused part index is {self.focused_part_index}" ) self.focused_part_index += 1
[docs] def is_focused_beyond_last_part(self): """ Returns true if the focus is already beyond the last part. """ return self.focused_part_index >= self.get_num_parts()