The metadata of a Smart Contract, as an abstraction.


  • Creates a metadata object. By default, set the upgradeable attribute, and uset all others.


    • upgradeable: boolean = true

      Whether the contract is upgradeable

    • readable: boolean = false

      Whether other contracts can read this contract's data (without calling one of its pure functions)

    • payable: boolean = false

      Whether the contract is payable

    • payableBySc: boolean = false

      Whether the contract is payable by other smart contracts

    Returns CodeMetadata


payable: boolean
payableBySc: boolean
readable: boolean
upgradeable: boolean
ByteOne: {
    Payable: number;
    PayableBySc: number;
    Reserved1: number;
} = ...

Type declaration

  • Payable: number
  • PayableBySc: number
  • Reserved1: number
ByteZero: {
    Readable: number;
    Reserved2: number;
    Upgradeable: number;
} = ...

Type declaration

  • Readable: number
  • Reserved2: number
  • Upgradeable: number
codeMetadataLength: 2 = 2


  • Adjust the metadata (the payable attribute), when preparing the deployment transaction.


    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • Adjust the metadata (the payableBySc attribute), when preparing the deployment transaction.


    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • Adjust the metadata (the readable attribute), when preparing the deployment transaction.


    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • Adjust the metadata (the upgradeable attribute), when preparing the deployment transaction.


    • value: boolean

    Returns void