TransactionWatcher allows one to continuously watch (monitor), by means of polling, the status of a given transaction.


  • A transaction watcher (awaiter).


    • fetcher: ITransactionFetcher

      The transaction fetcher

    • options: {
          patienceMilliseconds?: number;
          pollingIntervalMilliseconds?: number;
          timeoutMilliseconds?: number;
      } = {}

      The options

      • OptionalpatienceMilliseconds?: number

        The patience: an extra time (in milliseconds) to wait, after the transaction has reached its desired status. Currently there's a delay between the moment a transaction is marked as "completed" and the moment its outcome (contract results, events and logs) is available.

      • OptionalpollingIntervalMilliseconds?: number

        The polling interval, in milliseconds

      • OptionaltimeoutMilliseconds?: number

        The timeout, in milliseconds

    Returns TransactionWatcher


patienceMilliseconds: number
pollingIntervalMilliseconds: number
timeoutMilliseconds: number
DefaultPatience: number = 0
DefaultPollingInterval: number = 6000
DefaultTimeout: number = ...
