import logging
from typing import Optional
from Cryptodome.Hash import keccak
from multiversx_sdk.core import bech32
from multiversx_sdk.core.config import LibraryConfig
from multiversx_sdk.core.constants import METACHAIN_ID
from multiversx_sdk.core.errors import BadAddressError, BadPubkeyLengthError
logger = logging.getLogger("address")
class Address:
"""An Address, as an immutable object."""
def __init__(self, pubkey: bytes, hrp: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
"""Creates an address object, given a sequence of bytes and the human readable part(hrp).
pubkey (bytes): the sequence of bytes\n
hrp (str): the human readable part"""
# used for creating an empty address
if not len(pubkey):
self.pubkey = bytes()
self.hrp = LibraryConfig.default_address_hrp
if len(pubkey) != PUBKEY_LENGTH:
raise BadPubkeyLengthError(len(pubkey), PUBKEY_LENGTH)
self.pubkey = bytes(pubkey)
self.hrp = hrp if hrp else LibraryConfig.default_address_hrp
def empty(cls) -> "Address":
Creates an empty address object.
Generally speaking, this should not be used by client code **(internal use only)**.
return Address(b"", "")
def is_empty(self) -> bool:
return len(self.pubkey) == 0
def new_from_bech32(cls, value: str) -> "Address":
"""Creates an address object from the bech32 representation of an address.
value (str): the bech32 address representation"""
hrp, pubkey = _decode_bech32(value)
return cls(pubkey, hrp)
def from_bech32(cls, value: str) -> "Address":
"""The `from_bech32()` method is deprecated. Please use `new_from_bech32()` instead"""
return Address.new_from_bech32(value)
def new_from_hex(cls, value: str, hrp: Optional[str] = None) -> "Address":
"""Creates an address object from the hexed sequence of bytes and the human readable part(hrp).
value (str): the sequence of bytes as a hex string\n
hrp (str): the human readable part"""
pubkey = bytes.fromhex(value)
return cls(pubkey, hrp)
def from_hex(cls, value: str, hrp: str) -> "Address":
"""The `from_hex()` method is deprecated. Please use `new_from_hex()` instead"""
return Address.new_from_hex(value, hrp)
def to_hex(self) -> str:
"""Returns the hex representation of the address (pubkey)"""
return self.pubkey.hex()
def hex(self) -> str:
"""The `hex()` method is deprecated. Please use `to_hex()` instead"""
return self.to_hex()
def to_bech32(self) -> str:
"""Returns the bech32 representation of the address"""
converted = bech32.convertbits(self.pubkey, 8, 5)
assert converted is not None
encoded = bech32.bech32_encode(self.hrp, converted)
return encoded
def bech32(self) -> str:
"""The `bech32()` method is deprecated. Please us `to_bech32()` instead"""
return self.to_bech32()
def get_public_key(self) -> bytes:
"""Returns the pubkey as bytes"""
return self.pubkey
def get_hrp(self) -> str:
"""Returns the human-readable-part of the bech32 address"""
return self.hrp
def is_smart_contract(self) -> bool:
"""Returns whether the address is a smart contract address"""
return self.to_hex().startswith(SC_HEX_PUBKEY_PREFIX)
def __bytes__(self) -> bytes:
return self.get_public_key()
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.to_bech32()
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, Address):
return False
return self.pubkey == other.pubkey and self.hrp == other.hrp
class AddressFactory:
"""A factory used to create address objects."""
def __init__(self, hrp: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
"""All the addresses created with the factory have the same human readable part
hrp (str): the human readable part of the address (default: erd)"""
self.hrp = hrp if hrp else LibraryConfig.default_address_hrp
def create_from_bech32(self, value: str) -> Address:
"""Creates an address object from the bech32 representation of an address"""
hrp, pubkey = _decode_bech32(value)
if hrp != self.hrp:
raise BadAddressError(value)
return Address(pubkey, hrp)
def create_from_public_key(self, pubkey: bytes) -> Address:
"""Creates an address object from the sequence of bytes"""
return Address(pubkey, self.hrp)
def create_from_hex(self, value: str) -> Address:
"""Creates an address object from the hexed sequence of bytes"""
return Address.new_from_hex(value, self.hrp)
class AddressComputer:
"""A class for computing contract addresses and getting shard numbers."""
def __init__(self, number_of_shards: int = 3) -> None:
"""Initializes the AddressComputer with the number of shards.
number_of_shards (int): The number of shards in the network (default: 3)."""
self.number_of_shards = number_of_shards
def compute_contract_address(self, deployer: Address, deployment_nonce: int) -> Address:
"""Computes the contract address based on the deployer's address and deployment nonce.
deployer (Address): The address of the deployer\n
deployment_nonce (int): The nonce of the deployment
Address: The computed contract address as below:
8 bytes of zero + 2 bytes for VM type + 20 bytes of hash(owner) + 2 bytes of shard(owner)
deployer_pubkey = deployer.get_public_key()
nonce_bytes = deployment_nonce.to_bytes(8, byteorder="little")
bytes_to_hash = deployer_pubkey + nonce_bytes
contract_pubkey =
contract_pubkey = bytes([0] * 8) + bytes([5, 0]) + contract_pubkey[10:30] + deployer_pubkey[30:]
return Address(contract_pubkey, deployer.get_hrp())
def get_shard_of_address(self, address: Address) -> int:
"""Returns the shard number of a given address.
address (Address): The address for which to determine the shard.
int: The shard number."""
return get_shard_of_pubkey(address.get_public_key(), self.number_of_shards)
def is_valid_bech32(value: str, expected_hrp: str) -> bool:
hrp, value_bytes = bech32.bech32_decode(value)
return hrp == expected_hrp and value_bytes is not None
def _decode_bech32(value: str) -> tuple[str, bytes]:
hrp, value_bytes = bech32.bech32_decode(value)
if hrp is None or value_bytes is None:
raise BadAddressError(value)
decoded_bytes = bech32.convertbits(value_bytes, 5, 8, False)
if decoded_bytes is None:
raise BadAddressError(value)
return hrp, bytes(bytearray(decoded_bytes))
def get_shard_of_pubkey(pubkey: bytes, number_of_shards: int) -> int:
mask_high = int("11", 2)
mask_low = int("01", 2)
last_byte_of_pubkey = pubkey[31]
if _is_pubkey_of_metachain(pubkey):
shard = last_byte_of_pubkey & mask_high
if shard > number_of_shards - 1:
shard = last_byte_of_pubkey & mask_low
return shard
def _is_pubkey_of_metachain(pubkey: bytes) -> bool:
metachain_prefix = bytearray([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
pubkey_prefix = pubkey[0 : len(metachain_prefix)]
if pubkey_prefix == bytes(metachain_prefix):
return True
zero_address = bytearray(32)
if pubkey == bytes(zero_address):
return True
return False