multiversx_sdk.core package



multiversx_sdk.core.address module

class multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address(pubkey: bytes, hrp: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

An Address, as an immutable object.

Creates an address object, given a sequence of bytes and the human readable part(hrp).


pubkey (bytes): the sequence of bytes

hrp (str): the human readable part

bech32() str[source]

The bech32() method is deprecated. Please us to_bech32() instead

classmethod empty() Address[source]

Creates an empty address object. Generally speaking, this should not be used by client code (internal use only).

classmethod from_bech32(value: str) Address[source]

The from_bech32() method is deprecated. Please use new_from_bech32() instead

classmethod from_hex(value: str, hrp: str) Address[source]

The from_hex() method is deprecated. Please use new_from_hex() instead

get_hrp() str[source]

Returns the human-readable-part of the bech32 address

get_public_key() bytes[source]

Returns the pubkey as bytes

hex() str[source]

The hex() method is deprecated. Please use to_hex() instead

is_empty() bool[source]
is_smart_contract() bool[source]

Returns whether the address is a smart contract address

classmethod new_from_bech32(value: str) Address[source]

Creates an address object from the bech32 representation of an address.


value (str): the bech32 address representation

classmethod new_from_hex(value: str, hrp: str | None = None) Address[source]

Creates an address object from the hexed sequence of bytes and the human readable part(hrp).


value (str): the sequence of bytes as a hex string

hrp (str): the human readable part

to_bech32() str[source]

Returns the bech32 representation of the address

to_hex() str[source]

Returns the hex representation of the address (pubkey)

class multiversx_sdk.core.address.AddressComputer(number_of_shards: int = 3)[source]

Bases: object

A class for computing contract addresses and getting shard numbers.

Initializes the AddressComputer with the number of shards.


number_of_shards (int): The number of shards in the network (default: 3).

compute_contract_address(deployer: Address, deployment_nonce: int) Address[source]

Computes the contract address based on the deployer’s address and deployment nonce.


deployer (Address): The address of the deployer

deployment_nonce (int): The nonce of the deployment


Address: The computed contract address as below:

8 bytes of zero + 2 bytes for VM type + 20 bytes of hash(owner) + 2 bytes of shard(owner)

get_shard_of_address(address: Address) int[source]

Returns the shard number of a given address.


address (Address): The address for which to determine the shard.


int: The shard number.

class multiversx_sdk.core.address.AddressFactory(hrp: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

A factory used to create address objects.

All the addresses created with the factory have the same human readable part


hrp (str): the human readable part of the address (default: erd)

create_from_bech32(value: str) Address[source]

Creates an address object from the bech32 representation of an address

create_from_hex(value: str) Address[source]

Creates an address object from the hexed sequence of bytes

create_from_public_key(pubkey: bytes) Address[source]

Creates an address object from the sequence of bytes

multiversx_sdk.core.address.get_shard_of_pubkey(pubkey: bytes, number_of_shards: int) int[source]
multiversx_sdk.core.address.is_valid_bech32(value: str, expected_hrp: str) bool[source]

multiversx_sdk.core.base_controller module

class multiversx_sdk.core.base_controller.BaseController[source]

Bases: object

This is the base class for all controllers. Internal use only.

multiversx_sdk.core.bech32 module

Reference implementation for Bech32 and segwit addresses.

multiversx_sdk.core.bech32.bech32_create_checksum(hrp: str, data: List[int])[source]

Compute the checksum values given HRP and data.

multiversx_sdk.core.bech32.bech32_decode(bech: str)[source]

Validate a Bech32 string, and determine HRP and data.

multiversx_sdk.core.bech32.bech32_encode(hrp: str, data: List[int])[source]

Compute a Bech32 string given HRP and data values.

multiversx_sdk.core.bech32.bech32_hrp_expand(hrp: str) List[int][source]

Expand the HRP into values for checksum computation.

multiversx_sdk.core.bech32.bech32_polymod(values: List[int])[source]

Internal function that computes the Bech32 checksum.

multiversx_sdk.core.bech32.bech32_verify_checksum(hrp: str, data: List[int])[source]

Verify a checksum given HRP and converted data characters.

multiversx_sdk.core.bech32.convertbits(data: List[int] | bytes, frombits: int, tobits: int, pad: bool = True) List[int] | None[source]

General power-of-2 base conversion.

multiversx_sdk.core.bech32.decode(hrp: str, addr: str)[source]

Decode a segwit address.

multiversx_sdk.core.bech32.encode(hrp: str, witver: int, witprog: List[int])[source]

Encode a segwit address.

multiversx_sdk.core.code_metadata module

class multiversx_sdk.core.code_metadata.ByteOne(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

Payable = 2
PayableByContract = 4
Reserved1 = 1
class multiversx_sdk.core.code_metadata.ByteZero(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

Readable = 4
Reserved2 = 2
Upgradeable = 1
class multiversx_sdk.core.code_metadata.CodeMetadata(upgradeable: bool = True, readable: bool = True, payable: bool = False, payable_by_contract: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

classmethod new_from_bytes(data: bytes) CodeMetadata[source]
serialize() bytes[source]

multiversx_sdk.core.config module

class multiversx_sdk.core.config.LibraryConfig(default_address_hrp: str = 'erd')[source]

Bases: object

Global configuration of the library.

Generally speaking, this configuration should only be altered in exotic use cases. It can be seen as a collection of constants or, more precisely, variables that are rarely changed and used throughout the library.

Never alter the configuration within a library! Only alter the configuration, if needed, within a final application that uses this library.

default_address_hrp: str = 'erd'

multiversx_sdk.core.errors module

exception multiversx_sdk.core.errors.BadAddressError(address: Any)[source]

Bases: Exception

exception multiversx_sdk.core.errors.BadPubkeyLengthError(actual: int, expected: int)[source]

Bases: Exception

exception multiversx_sdk.core.errors.BadUsageError(message: str)[source]

Bases: Exception

exception multiversx_sdk.core.errors.InvalidTokenIdentifierError(message: str)[source]

Bases: Exception

exception multiversx_sdk.core.errors.NotEnoughGasError(gas_limit: int)[source]

Bases: Exception

exception multiversx_sdk.core.errors.ParseTransactionOnNetworkError(message: str)[source]

Bases: Exception

multiversx_sdk.core.interfaces module

class multiversx_sdk.core.interfaces.IAccount(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Protocol

property address: Address
sign_transaction(transaction: Transaction) bytes[source]
property use_hash_signing: bool
class multiversx_sdk.core.interfaces.INetworkConfig(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Protocol

gas_per_data_byte: int
gas_price_modifier: float
min_gas_limit: int

multiversx_sdk.core.message module

class multiversx_sdk.core.message.Message(data: bytes, signature: bytes = b'', address: Address | None = None, version: int = 1, signer: str = 'sdk-py')[source]

Bases: object

class multiversx_sdk.core.message.MessageComputer[source]

Bases: object

Also see:
compute_bytes_for_signing(message: Message) bytes[source]
compute_bytes_for_verifying(message: Message) bytes[source]
pack_message(message: Message) Dict[str, Any][source]
unpack_message(packed_message: Dict[str, Any]) Message[source]

multiversx_sdk.core.tokens module

class multiversx_sdk.core.tokens.Token(identifier: str, nonce: int = 0)[source]

Bases: object

class multiversx_sdk.core.tokens.TokenComputer[source]

Bases: object

compute_extended_identifier(token: Token) str[source]
compute_extended_identifier_from_identifier_and_nonce(identifier: str, nonce: int) str[source]
compute_extended_identifier_from_parts(parts: TokenIdentifierParts) str[source]
extract_identifier_from_extended_identifier(identifier: str) str[source]
extract_nonce_from_extended_identifier(identifier: str) int[source]
extract_ticker_from_identifier(identifier: str) str[source]
is_fungible(token: Token) bool[source]
parse_extended_identifier_parts(identifier: str) TokenIdentifierParts[source]
class multiversx_sdk.core.tokens.TokenIdentifierParts(ticker: str, random_sequence: str, nonce: int, prefix: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

class multiversx_sdk.core.tokens.TokenTransfer(token: Token, amount: int)[source]

Bases: object

amount should always be in atomic units: 1.000000 “USDC-c76f1f” = “1000000

static new_from_native_amount(amount: int) TokenTransfer[source]

multiversx_sdk.core.transaction module

class multiversx_sdk.core.transaction.Transaction(sender: Address, receiver: Address, gas_limit: int, chain_id: str, nonce: int | None = None, value: int | None = None, sender_username: str | None = None, receiver_username: str | None = None, gas_price: int | None = None, data: bytes | None = None, version: int | None = None, options: int | None = None, guardian: Address | None = None, signature: bytes | None = None, guardian_signature: bytes | None = None, relayer: Address | None = None, relayer_signature: bytes | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

static new_from_dictionary(dictionary: dict[str, Any]) Transaction[source]
to_dictionary() dict[str, Any][source]

multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_computer module

class multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_computer.TransactionComputer[source]

Bases: object

apply_guardian(transaction: Transaction, guardian: Address) None[source]
apply_options_for_hash_signing(transaction: Transaction) None[source]
compute_bytes_for_signing(transaction: Transaction, ignore_options=False) bytes[source]

If ignore_options == False, the method computes the bytes for signing based on the version and options of the transaction. If the least significant bit of the options is set, will serialize transaction for hash signing.

If ignore_options == True, the transaction is simply serialized.

compute_bytes_for_verifying(transaction: Transaction) bytes[source]
compute_hash_for_signing(transaction: Transaction) bytes[source]
compute_transaction_fee(transaction: Transaction, network_config: INetworkConfig) int[source]

TransactionsFactoryConfig can be used here as the network_config.

compute_transaction_hash(transaction: Transaction) bytes[source]
has_options_set_for_guarded_transaction(transaction: Transaction) bool[source]
has_options_set_for_hash_signing(transaction: Transaction) bool[source]
is_relayed_v3_transaction(transaction: Transaction) bool[source]

multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_events_parser module

class multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_events_parser.TransactionEventsParser(abi: Abi, first_topic_as_identifier: bool = True)[source]

Bases: object

parse_event(event: TransactionEvent) SimpleNamespace[source]
parse_events(events: list[TransactionEvent]) list[SimpleNamespace][source]

multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network module

class multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network.SmartContractResult(raw: dict[str, Any], sender: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address, receiver: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address, data: bytes, logs: multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network.TransactionLogs)[source]

Bases: object

data: bytes
logs: TransactionLogs
raw: dict[str, Any]
receiver: Address
sender: Address
class multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network.TransactionEvent(raw: dict[str, Any], address: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address, identifier: str, topics: list[bytes], data: bytes, additional_data: list[bytes])[source]

Bases: object

additional_data: list[bytes]
address: Address
data: bytes
identifier: str
raw: dict[str, Any]
topics: list[bytes]
class multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network.TransactionLogs(address: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address, events: list[multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network.TransactionEvent])[source]

Bases: object

address: Address
events: list[TransactionEvent]
class multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network.TransactionOnNetwork(raw: dict[str, Any], sender: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address, receiver: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address, hash: bytes, nonce: int, round: int, epoch: int, timestamp: int, block_hash: bytes, miniblock_hash: bytes, sender_shard: int, receiver_shard: int, value: int, gas_limit: int, gas_price: int, function: str, data: bytes, version: int, options: int, signature: bytes, status: multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_status.TransactionStatus, smart_contract_results: list[multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network.SmartContractResult], logs: multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network.TransactionLogs)[source]

Bases: object

block_hash: bytes
data: bytes
epoch: int
function: str
gas_limit: int
gas_price: int
hash: bytes
logs: TransactionLogs
miniblock_hash: bytes
nonce: int
options: int
raw: dict[str, Any]
receiver: Address
receiver_shard: int
round: int
sender: Address
sender_shard: int
signature: bytes
smart_contract_results: list[SmartContractResult]
status: TransactionStatus
timestamp: int
value: int
version: int
multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network.find_events_by_first_topic(transaction: TransactionOnNetwork, topic: str) list[TransactionEvent][source]
multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network.find_events_by_identifier(transaction: TransactionOnNetwork, identifier: str) list[TransactionEvent][source]
multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network.find_events_by_predicate(transaction: TransactionOnNetwork, predicate: Callable[[TransactionEvent], bool]) list[TransactionEvent][source]
multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network.gather_all_events(transaction: TransactionOnNetwork) list[TransactionEvent][source]

multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_status module

class multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_status.TransactionStatus(status: str)[source]

Bases: object

is_completed: bool
is_successful: bool
status: str

multiversx_sdk.core.transactions_factory_config module

class multiversx_sdk.core.transactions_factory_config.TransactionsFactoryConfig(chain_id: str, address_hrp: str = 'erd', min_gas_limit: int = 50000, gas_limit_per_byte: int = 1500, gas_limit_issue: int = 60000000, gas_limit_toggle_burn_role_globally: int = 60000000, gas_limit_esdt_local_mint: int = 300000, gas_limit_esdt_local_burn: int = 300000, gas_limit_set_special_role: int = 60000000, gas_limit_pausing: int = 60000000, gas_limit_freezing: int = 60000000, gas_limit_wiping: int = 60000000, gas_limit_esdt_nft_create: int = 3000000, gas_limit_esdt_nft_update_attributes: int = 1000000, gas_limit_esdt_nft_add_quantity: int = 1000000, gas_limit_esdt_nft_burn: int = 1000000, gas_limit_store_per_byte: int = 10000, gas_limit_esdt_modify_royalties: int = 60000000, gas_limit_set_new_uris: int = 60000000, gas_limit_esdt_modify_creator: int = 60000000, gas_limit_esdt_metadata_update: int = 60000000, gas_limit_nft_metadata_recreate: int = 60000000, gas_limit_nft_change_to_dynamic: int = 60000000, gas_limit_update_token_id: int = 60000000, gas_limit_register_dynamic: int = 60000000, issue_cost: int = 50000000000000000, gas_limit_transfer_ownership: int = 60000000, gas_limit_freeze_single_nft: int = 60000000, gas_limit_unfreeze_single_nft: int = 60000000, gas_limit_change_sft_to_meta_esdt: int = 60000000, gas_limit_transfer_nft_create_role: int = 60000000, gas_limit_stop_nft_create: int = 60000000, gas_limit_wipe_single_nft: int = 60000000, gas_limit_esdt_nft_add_uri: int = 10000000, esdt_contract_address: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address = <factory>, gas_limit_stake: int = 5000000, gas_limit_unstake: int = 5000000, gas_limit_unbond: int = 5000000, gas_limit_create_delegation_contract: int = 50000000, gas_limit_delegation_operations: int = 1000000, additional_gas_limit_per_validator_node: int = 6000000, additional_gas_for_delegation_operations: int = 10000000, gas_limit_esdt_transfer: int = 200000, gas_limit_esdt_nft_transfer: int = 200000, gas_limit_multi_esdt_nft_transfer: int = 200000, gas_limit_save_key_value: int = 100000, gas_limit_persist_per_byte: int = 1000, gas_limit_set_guardian: int = 250000, gas_limit_guard_account: int = 250000, gas_limit_unguard_account: int = 250000, gas_limit_claim_developer_rewards: int = 6000000, gas_limit_change_owner_address: int = 6000000)[source]

Bases: object

additional_gas_for_delegation_operations: int = 10000000
additional_gas_limit_per_validator_node: int = 6000000
address_hrp: str = 'erd'
chain_id: str
esdt_contract_address: Address
gas_limit_change_owner_address: int = 6000000
gas_limit_change_sft_to_meta_esdt: int = 60000000
gas_limit_claim_developer_rewards: int = 6000000
gas_limit_create_delegation_contract: int = 50000000
gas_limit_delegation_operations: int = 1000000
gas_limit_esdt_local_burn: int = 300000
gas_limit_esdt_local_mint: int = 300000
gas_limit_esdt_metadata_update: int = 60000000
gas_limit_esdt_modify_creator: int = 60000000
gas_limit_esdt_modify_royalties: int = 60000000
gas_limit_esdt_nft_add_quantity: int = 1000000
gas_limit_esdt_nft_add_uri: int = 10000000
gas_limit_esdt_nft_burn: int = 1000000
gas_limit_esdt_nft_create: int = 3000000
gas_limit_esdt_nft_transfer: int = 200000
gas_limit_esdt_nft_update_attributes: int = 1000000
gas_limit_esdt_transfer: int = 200000
gas_limit_freeze_single_nft: int = 60000000
gas_limit_freezing: int = 60000000
gas_limit_guard_account: int = 250000
gas_limit_issue: int = 60000000
gas_limit_multi_esdt_nft_transfer: int = 200000
gas_limit_nft_change_to_dynamic: int = 60000000
gas_limit_nft_metadata_recreate: int = 60000000
gas_limit_pausing: int = 60000000
gas_limit_per_byte: int = 1500
gas_limit_persist_per_byte: int = 1000
gas_limit_register_dynamic: int = 60000000
gas_limit_save_key_value: int = 100000
gas_limit_set_guardian: int = 250000
gas_limit_set_new_uris: int = 60000000
gas_limit_set_special_role: int = 60000000
gas_limit_stake: int = 5000000
gas_limit_stop_nft_create: int = 60000000
gas_limit_store_per_byte: int = 10000
gas_limit_toggle_burn_role_globally: int = 60000000
gas_limit_transfer_nft_create_role: int = 60000000
gas_limit_transfer_ownership: int = 60000000
gas_limit_unbond: int = 5000000
gas_limit_unfreeze_single_nft: int = 60000000
gas_limit_unguard_account: int = 250000
gas_limit_unstake: int = 5000000
gas_limit_update_token_id: int = 60000000
gas_limit_wipe_single_nft: int = 60000000
gas_limit_wiping: int = 60000000
issue_cost: int = 50000000000000000
min_gas_limit: int = 50000

Module contents

class multiversx_sdk.core.Address(pubkey: bytes, hrp: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

An Address, as an immutable object.

Creates an address object, given a sequence of bytes and the human readable part(hrp).


pubkey (bytes): the sequence of bytes

hrp (str): the human readable part

bech32() str[source]

The bech32() method is deprecated. Please us to_bech32() instead

classmethod empty() Address[source]

Creates an empty address object. Generally speaking, this should not be used by client code (internal use only).

classmethod from_bech32(value: str) Address[source]

The from_bech32() method is deprecated. Please use new_from_bech32() instead

classmethod from_hex(value: str, hrp: str) Address[source]

The from_hex() method is deprecated. Please use new_from_hex() instead

get_hrp() str[source]

Returns the human-readable-part of the bech32 address

get_public_key() bytes[source]

Returns the pubkey as bytes

hex() str[source]

The hex() method is deprecated. Please use to_hex() instead

is_empty() bool[source]
is_smart_contract() bool[source]

Returns whether the address is a smart contract address

classmethod new_from_bech32(value: str) Address[source]

Creates an address object from the bech32 representation of an address.


value (str): the bech32 address representation

classmethod new_from_hex(value: str, hrp: str | None = None) Address[source]

Creates an address object from the hexed sequence of bytes and the human readable part(hrp).


value (str): the sequence of bytes as a hex string

hrp (str): the human readable part

to_bech32() str[source]

Returns the bech32 representation of the address

to_hex() str[source]

Returns the hex representation of the address (pubkey)

class multiversx_sdk.core.AddressComputer(number_of_shards: int = 3)[source]

Bases: object

A class for computing contract addresses and getting shard numbers.

Initializes the AddressComputer with the number of shards.


number_of_shards (int): The number of shards in the network (default: 3).

compute_contract_address(deployer: Address, deployment_nonce: int) Address[source]

Computes the contract address based on the deployer’s address and deployment nonce.


deployer (Address): The address of the deployer

deployment_nonce (int): The nonce of the deployment


Address: The computed contract address as below:

8 bytes of zero + 2 bytes for VM type + 20 bytes of hash(owner) + 2 bytes of shard(owner)

get_shard_of_address(address: Address) int[source]

Returns the shard number of a given address.


address (Address): The address for which to determine the shard.


int: The shard number.

class multiversx_sdk.core.AddressFactory(hrp: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

A factory used to create address objects.

All the addresses created with the factory have the same human readable part


hrp (str): the human readable part of the address (default: erd)

create_from_bech32(value: str) Address[source]

Creates an address object from the bech32 representation of an address

create_from_hex(value: str) Address[source]

Creates an address object from the hexed sequence of bytes

create_from_public_key(pubkey: bytes) Address[source]

Creates an address object from the sequence of bytes

class multiversx_sdk.core.CodeMetadata(upgradeable: bool = True, readable: bool = True, payable: bool = False, payable_by_contract: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

classmethod new_from_bytes(data: bytes) CodeMetadata[source]
serialize() bytes[source]
class multiversx_sdk.core.LibraryConfig(default_address_hrp: str = 'erd')[source]

Bases: object

Global configuration of the library.

Generally speaking, this configuration should only be altered in exotic use cases. It can be seen as a collection of constants or, more precisely, variables that are rarely changed and used throughout the library.

Never alter the configuration within a library! Only alter the configuration, if needed, within a final application that uses this library.

default_address_hrp: str = 'erd'
class multiversx_sdk.core.Message(data: bytes, signature: bytes = b'', address: Address | None = None, version: int = 1, signer: str = 'sdk-py')[source]

Bases: object

class multiversx_sdk.core.MessageComputer[source]

Bases: object

Also see:
compute_bytes_for_signing(message: Message) bytes[source]
compute_bytes_for_verifying(message: Message) bytes[source]
pack_message(message: Message) Dict[str, Any][source]
unpack_message(packed_message: Dict[str, Any]) Message[source]
class multiversx_sdk.core.SmartContractResult(raw: dict[str, Any], sender: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address, receiver: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address, data: bytes, logs: multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network.TransactionLogs)[source]

Bases: object

data: bytes
logs: TransactionLogs
raw: dict[str, Any]
receiver: Address
sender: Address
class multiversx_sdk.core.Token(identifier: str, nonce: int = 0)[source]

Bases: object

class multiversx_sdk.core.TokenComputer[source]

Bases: object

compute_extended_identifier(token: Token) str[source]
compute_extended_identifier_from_identifier_and_nonce(identifier: str, nonce: int) str[source]
compute_extended_identifier_from_parts(parts: TokenIdentifierParts) str[source]
extract_identifier_from_extended_identifier(identifier: str) str[source]
extract_nonce_from_extended_identifier(identifier: str) int[source]
extract_ticker_from_identifier(identifier: str) str[source]
is_fungible(token: Token) bool[source]
parse_extended_identifier_parts(identifier: str) TokenIdentifierParts[source]
class multiversx_sdk.core.TokenIdentifierParts(ticker: str, random_sequence: str, nonce: int, prefix: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

class multiversx_sdk.core.TokenTransfer(token: Token, amount: int)[source]

Bases: object

amount should always be in atomic units: 1.000000 “USDC-c76f1f” = “1000000

static new_from_native_amount(amount: int) TokenTransfer[source]
class multiversx_sdk.core.Transaction(sender: Address, receiver: Address, gas_limit: int, chain_id: str, nonce: int | None = None, value: int | None = None, sender_username: str | None = None, receiver_username: str | None = None, gas_price: int | None = None, data: bytes | None = None, version: int | None = None, options: int | None = None, guardian: Address | None = None, signature: bytes | None = None, guardian_signature: bytes | None = None, relayer: Address | None = None, relayer_signature: bytes | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

static new_from_dictionary(dictionary: dict[str, Any]) Transaction[source]
to_dictionary() dict[str, Any][source]
class multiversx_sdk.core.TransactionComputer[source]

Bases: object

apply_guardian(transaction: Transaction, guardian: Address) None[source]
apply_options_for_hash_signing(transaction: Transaction) None[source]
compute_bytes_for_signing(transaction: Transaction, ignore_options=False) bytes[source]

If ignore_options == False, the method computes the bytes for signing based on the version and options of the transaction. If the least significant bit of the options is set, will serialize transaction for hash signing.

If ignore_options == True, the transaction is simply serialized.

compute_bytes_for_verifying(transaction: Transaction) bytes[source]
compute_hash_for_signing(transaction: Transaction) bytes[source]
compute_transaction_fee(transaction: Transaction, network_config: INetworkConfig) int[source]

TransactionsFactoryConfig can be used here as the network_config.

compute_transaction_hash(transaction: Transaction) bytes[source]
has_options_set_for_guarded_transaction(transaction: Transaction) bool[source]
has_options_set_for_hash_signing(transaction: Transaction) bool[source]
is_relayed_v3_transaction(transaction: Transaction) bool[source]
class multiversx_sdk.core.TransactionEvent(raw: dict[str, Any], address: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address, identifier: str, topics: list[bytes], data: bytes, additional_data: list[bytes])[source]

Bases: object

additional_data: list[bytes]
address: Address
data: bytes
identifier: str
raw: dict[str, Any]
topics: list[bytes]
class multiversx_sdk.core.TransactionEventsParser(abi: Abi, first_topic_as_identifier: bool = True)[source]

Bases: object

parse_event(event: TransactionEvent) SimpleNamespace[source]
parse_events(events: list[TransactionEvent]) list[SimpleNamespace][source]
class multiversx_sdk.core.TransactionLogs(address: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address, events: list[multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network.TransactionEvent])[source]

Bases: object

address: Address
events: list[TransactionEvent]
class multiversx_sdk.core.TransactionOnNetwork(raw: dict[str, Any], sender: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address, receiver: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address, hash: bytes, nonce: int, round: int, epoch: int, timestamp: int, block_hash: bytes, miniblock_hash: bytes, sender_shard: int, receiver_shard: int, value: int, gas_limit: int, gas_price: int, function: str, data: bytes, version: int, options: int, signature: bytes, status: multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_status.TransactionStatus, smart_contract_results: list[multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network.SmartContractResult], logs: multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network.TransactionLogs)[source]

Bases: object

block_hash: bytes
data: bytes
epoch: int
function: str
gas_limit: int
gas_price: int
hash: bytes
logs: TransactionLogs
miniblock_hash: bytes
nonce: int
options: int
raw: dict[str, Any]
receiver: Address
receiver_shard: int
round: int
sender: Address
sender_shard: int
signature: bytes
smart_contract_results: list[SmartContractResult]
status: TransactionStatus
timestamp: int
value: int
version: int
class multiversx_sdk.core.TransactionStatus(status: str)[source]

Bases: object

is_completed: bool
is_successful: bool
status: str
class multiversx_sdk.core.TransactionsFactoryConfig(chain_id: str, address_hrp: str = 'erd', min_gas_limit: int = 50000, gas_limit_per_byte: int = 1500, gas_limit_issue: int = 60000000, gas_limit_toggle_burn_role_globally: int = 60000000, gas_limit_esdt_local_mint: int = 300000, gas_limit_esdt_local_burn: int = 300000, gas_limit_set_special_role: int = 60000000, gas_limit_pausing: int = 60000000, gas_limit_freezing: int = 60000000, gas_limit_wiping: int = 60000000, gas_limit_esdt_nft_create: int = 3000000, gas_limit_esdt_nft_update_attributes: int = 1000000, gas_limit_esdt_nft_add_quantity: int = 1000000, gas_limit_esdt_nft_burn: int = 1000000, gas_limit_store_per_byte: int = 10000, gas_limit_esdt_modify_royalties: int = 60000000, gas_limit_set_new_uris: int = 60000000, gas_limit_esdt_modify_creator: int = 60000000, gas_limit_esdt_metadata_update: int = 60000000, gas_limit_nft_metadata_recreate: int = 60000000, gas_limit_nft_change_to_dynamic: int = 60000000, gas_limit_update_token_id: int = 60000000, gas_limit_register_dynamic: int = 60000000, issue_cost: int = 50000000000000000, gas_limit_transfer_ownership: int = 60000000, gas_limit_freeze_single_nft: int = 60000000, gas_limit_unfreeze_single_nft: int = 60000000, gas_limit_change_sft_to_meta_esdt: int = 60000000, gas_limit_transfer_nft_create_role: int = 60000000, gas_limit_stop_nft_create: int = 60000000, gas_limit_wipe_single_nft: int = 60000000, gas_limit_esdt_nft_add_uri: int = 10000000, esdt_contract_address: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address = <factory>, gas_limit_stake: int = 5000000, gas_limit_unstake: int = 5000000, gas_limit_unbond: int = 5000000, gas_limit_create_delegation_contract: int = 50000000, gas_limit_delegation_operations: int = 1000000, additional_gas_limit_per_validator_node: int = 6000000, additional_gas_for_delegation_operations: int = 10000000, gas_limit_esdt_transfer: int = 200000, gas_limit_esdt_nft_transfer: int = 200000, gas_limit_multi_esdt_nft_transfer: int = 200000, gas_limit_save_key_value: int = 100000, gas_limit_persist_per_byte: int = 1000, gas_limit_set_guardian: int = 250000, gas_limit_guard_account: int = 250000, gas_limit_unguard_account: int = 250000, gas_limit_claim_developer_rewards: int = 6000000, gas_limit_change_owner_address: int = 6000000)[source]

Bases: object

additional_gas_for_delegation_operations: int = 10000000
additional_gas_limit_per_validator_node: int = 6000000
address_hrp: str = 'erd'
chain_id: str
esdt_contract_address: Address
gas_limit_change_owner_address: int = 6000000
gas_limit_change_sft_to_meta_esdt: int = 60000000
gas_limit_claim_developer_rewards: int = 6000000
gas_limit_create_delegation_contract: int = 50000000
gas_limit_delegation_operations: int = 1000000
gas_limit_esdt_local_burn: int = 300000
gas_limit_esdt_local_mint: int = 300000
gas_limit_esdt_metadata_update: int = 60000000
gas_limit_esdt_modify_creator: int = 60000000
gas_limit_esdt_modify_royalties: int = 60000000
gas_limit_esdt_nft_add_quantity: int = 1000000
gas_limit_esdt_nft_add_uri: int = 10000000
gas_limit_esdt_nft_burn: int = 1000000
gas_limit_esdt_nft_create: int = 3000000
gas_limit_esdt_nft_transfer: int = 200000
gas_limit_esdt_nft_update_attributes: int = 1000000
gas_limit_esdt_transfer: int = 200000
gas_limit_freeze_single_nft: int = 60000000
gas_limit_freezing: int = 60000000
gas_limit_guard_account: int = 250000
gas_limit_issue: int = 60000000
gas_limit_multi_esdt_nft_transfer: int = 200000
gas_limit_nft_change_to_dynamic: int = 60000000
gas_limit_nft_metadata_recreate: int = 60000000
gas_limit_pausing: int = 60000000
gas_limit_per_byte: int = 1500
gas_limit_persist_per_byte: int = 1000
gas_limit_register_dynamic: int = 60000000
gas_limit_save_key_value: int = 100000
gas_limit_set_guardian: int = 250000
gas_limit_set_new_uris: int = 60000000
gas_limit_set_special_role: int = 60000000
gas_limit_stake: int = 5000000
gas_limit_stop_nft_create: int = 60000000
gas_limit_store_per_byte: int = 10000
gas_limit_toggle_burn_role_globally: int = 60000000
gas_limit_transfer_nft_create_role: int = 60000000
gas_limit_transfer_ownership: int = 60000000
gas_limit_unbond: int = 5000000
gas_limit_unfreeze_single_nft: int = 60000000
gas_limit_unguard_account: int = 250000
gas_limit_unstake: int = 5000000
gas_limit_update_token_id: int = 60000000
gas_limit_wipe_single_nft: int = 60000000
gas_limit_wiping: int = 60000000
issue_cost: int = 50000000000000000
min_gas_limit: int = 50000
multiversx_sdk.core.find_events_by_first_topic(transaction: TransactionOnNetwork, topic: str) list[TransactionEvent][source]
multiversx_sdk.core.find_events_by_identifier(transaction: TransactionOnNetwork, identifier: str) list[TransactionEvent][source]