multiversx_sdk.core package
multiversx_sdk.core.address module
- class multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address(pubkey: bytes, hrp: str | None = None)[source]
An Address, as an immutable object.
Creates an address object, given a sequence of bytes and the human readable part(hrp).
- Args:
pubkey (bytes): the sequence of bytes
hrp (str): the human readable part
- classmethod empty() Address [source]
Creates an empty address object. Generally speaking, this should not be used by client code (internal use only).
- classmethod from_bech32(value: str) Address [source]
The from_bech32() method is deprecated. Please use new_from_bech32() instead
- classmethod from_hex(value: str, hrp: str) Address [source]
The from_hex() method is deprecated. Please use new_from_hex() instead
- classmethod new_from_bech32(value: str) Address [source]
Creates an address object from the bech32 representation of an address.
- Args:
value (str): the bech32 address representation
- class multiversx_sdk.core.address.AddressComputer(number_of_shards: int = 3)[source]
A class for computing contract addresses and getting shard numbers.
Initializes the AddressComputer with the number of shards.
- Args:
number_of_shards (int): The number of shards in the network (default: 3).
- compute_contract_address(deployer: Address, deployment_nonce: int) Address [source]
Computes the contract address based on the deployer’s address and deployment nonce.
- Args:
deployer (Address): The address of the deployer
deployment_nonce (int): The nonce of the deployment
- Returns:
Address: The computed contract address as below:
8 bytes of zero + 2 bytes for VM type + 20 bytes of hash(owner) + 2 bytes of shard(owner)
- class multiversx_sdk.core.address.AddressFactory(hrp: str | None = None)[source]
A factory used to create address objects.
All the addresses created with the factory have the same human readable part
- Args:
hrp (str): the human readable part of the address (default: erd)
- create_from_bech32(value: str) Address [source]
Creates an address object from the bech32 representation of an address
multiversx_sdk.core.bech32 module
Reference implementation for Bech32 and segwit addresses.
- multiversx_sdk.core.bech32.bech32_create_checksum(hrp: str, data: List[int])[source]
Compute the checksum values given HRP and data.
- multiversx_sdk.core.bech32.bech32_decode(bech: str)[source]
Validate a Bech32 string, and determine HRP and data.
- multiversx_sdk.core.bech32.bech32_encode(hrp: str, data: List[int])[source]
Compute a Bech32 string given HRP and data values.
- multiversx_sdk.core.bech32.bech32_hrp_expand(hrp: str) List[int] [source]
Expand the HRP into values for checksum computation.
- multiversx_sdk.core.bech32.bech32_polymod(values: List[int])[source]
Internal function that computes the Bech32 checksum.
- multiversx_sdk.core.bech32.bech32_verify_checksum(hrp: str, data: List[int])[source]
Verify a checksum given HRP and converted data characters.
multiversx_sdk.core.code_metadata module
- class multiversx_sdk.core.code_metadata.ByteOne(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]
- Payable = 2
- PayableByContract = 4
- Reserved1 = 1
multiversx_sdk.core.config module
- class multiversx_sdk.core.config.LibraryConfig(default_address_hrp: str = 'erd')[source]
Global configuration of the library.
Generally speaking, this configuration should only be altered in exotic use cases. It can be seen as a collection of constants or, more precisely, variables that are rarely changed and used throughout the library.
Never alter the configuration within a library! Only alter the configuration, if needed, within a final application that uses this library.
- default_address_hrp: str = 'erd'
multiversx_sdk.core.errors module
- exception multiversx_sdk.core.errors.BadPubkeyLengthError(actual: int, expected: int)[source]
multiversx_sdk.core.interfaces module
multiversx_sdk.core.message module
- class multiversx_sdk.core.message.Message(data: bytes, signature: bytes = b'', address: Address | None = None, version: int = 1, signer: str = 'sdk-py')[source]
- class multiversx_sdk.core.message.MessageComputer[source]
- Also see: (in the past, it served as a basis for the implementation)
multiversx_sdk.core.tokens module
- class multiversx_sdk.core.tokens.TokenComputer[source]
- compute_extended_identifier_from_parts(parts: TokenIdentifierParts) str [source]
- parse_extended_identifier_parts(identifier: str) TokenIdentifierParts [source]
multiversx_sdk.core.transaction module
- class multiversx_sdk.core.transaction.Transaction(sender: Address, receiver: Address, gas_limit: int, chain_id: str, nonce: int | None = None, value: int | None = None, sender_username: str | None = None, receiver_username: str | None = None, gas_price: int | None = None, data: bytes | None = None, version: int | None = None, options: int | None = None, guardian: Address | None = None, signature: bytes | None = None, guardian_signature: bytes | None = None, relayer: Address | None = None, relayer_signature: bytes | None = None)[source]
- static new_from_dictionary(dictionary: dict[str, Any]) Transaction [source]
multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_computer module
- class multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_computer.TransactionComputer[source]
- apply_guardian(transaction: Transaction, guardian: Address) None [source]
- apply_options_for_hash_signing(transaction: Transaction) None [source]
- compute_bytes_for_signing(transaction: Transaction) bytes [source]
- compute_bytes_for_verifying(transaction: Transaction) bytes [source]
- compute_hash_for_signing(transaction: Transaction) bytes [source]
- compute_transaction_fee(transaction: Transaction, network_config: INetworkConfig) int [source]
TransactionsFactoryConfig can be used here as the network_config.
- compute_transaction_hash(transaction: Transaction) bytes [source]
- has_options_set_for_guarded_transaction(transaction: Transaction) bool [source]
- has_options_set_for_hash_signing(transaction: Transaction) bool [source]
- is_relayed_v3_transaction(transaction: Transaction) bool [source]
multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_events_parser module
- class multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_events_parser.TransactionEventsParser(abi: Abi, first_topic_as_identifier: bool = True)[source]
- parse_event(event: TransactionEvent) SimpleNamespace [source]
- parse_events(events: list[TransactionEvent]) list[SimpleNamespace] [source]
multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network module
- class multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network.SmartContractResult(raw: dict[str, Any], sender: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address, receiver: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address, data: bytes, logs: multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network.TransactionLogs)[source]
- data: bytes
- logs: TransactionLogs
- raw: dict[str, Any]
- class multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network.TransactionEvent(raw: dict[str, Any], address: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address, identifier: str, topics: list[bytes], data: bytes, additional_data: list[bytes])[source]
- additional_data: list[bytes]
- data: bytes
- identifier: str
- raw: dict[str, Any]
- topics: list[bytes]
- class multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network.TransactionLogs(address: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address, events: list[multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network.TransactionEvent])[source]
- events: list[TransactionEvent]
- class multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network.TransactionOnNetwork(raw: dict[str, Any], sender: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address, receiver: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address, hash: bytes, nonce: int, round: int, epoch: int, timestamp: int, block_hash: bytes, miniblock_hash: bytes, sender_shard: int, receiver_shard: int, value: int, gas_limit: int, gas_price: int, function: str, data: bytes, version: int, options: int, signature: bytes, status: multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_status.TransactionStatus, smart_contract_results: list[multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network.SmartContractResult], logs: multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network.TransactionLogs)[source]
- block_hash: bytes
- data: bytes
- epoch: int
- function: str
- gas_limit: int
- gas_price: int
- hash: bytes
- logs: TransactionLogs
- miniblock_hash: bytes
- nonce: int
- options: int
- raw: dict[str, Any]
- receiver_shard: int
- round: int
- sender_shard: int
- signature: bytes
- smart_contract_results: list[SmartContractResult]
- status: TransactionStatus
- timestamp: int
- value: int
- version: int
- multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network.find_events_by_first_topic(transaction: TransactionOnNetwork, topic: str) list[TransactionEvent] [source]
- multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network.find_events_by_identifier(transaction: TransactionOnNetwork, identifier: str) list[TransactionEvent] [source]
- multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network.find_events_by_predicate(transaction: TransactionOnNetwork, predicate: Callable[[TransactionEvent], bool]) list[TransactionEvent] [source]
- multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network.gather_all_events(transaction: TransactionOnNetwork) list[TransactionEvent] [source]
multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_status module
multiversx_sdk.core.transactions_factory_config module
- class multiversx_sdk.core.transactions_factory_config.TransactionsFactoryConfig(chain_id: str, address_hrp: str = 'erd', min_gas_limit: int = 50000, gas_limit_per_byte: int = 1500, gas_limit_issue: int = 60000000, gas_limit_toggle_burn_role_globally: int = 60000000, gas_limit_esdt_local_mint: int = 300000, gas_limit_esdt_local_burn: int = 300000, gas_limit_set_special_role: int = 60000000, gas_limit_pausing: int = 60000000, gas_limit_freezing: int = 60000000, gas_limit_wiping: int = 60000000, gas_limit_esdt_nft_create: int = 3000000, gas_limit_esdt_nft_update_attributes: int = 1000000, gas_limit_esdt_nft_add_quantity: int = 1000000, gas_limit_esdt_nft_burn: int = 1000000, gas_limit_store_per_byte: int = 10000, gas_limit_esdt_modify_royalties: int = 60000000, gas_limit_set_new_uris: int = 60000000, gas_limit_esdt_modify_creator: int = 60000000, gas_limit_esdt_metadata_update: int = 60000000, gas_limit_nft_metadata_recreate: int = 60000000, gas_limit_nft_change_to_dynamic: int = 60000000, gas_limit_update_token_id: int = 60000000, gas_limit_register_dynamic: int = 60000000, issue_cost: int = 50000000000000000, gas_limit_transfer_ownership: int = 60000000, gas_limit_freeze_single_nft: int = 60000000, gas_limit_unfreeze_single_nft: int = 60000000, gas_limit_change_sft_to_meta_esdt: int = 60000000, gas_limit_transfer_nft_create_role: int = 60000000, gas_limit_stop_nft_create: int = 60000000, gas_limit_wipe_single_nft: int = 60000000, gas_limit_esdt_nft_add_uri: int = 10000000, esdt_contract_address: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address = <factory>, gas_limit_stake: int = 5000000, gas_limit_unstake: int = 5000000, gas_limit_unbond: int = 5000000, gas_limit_create_delegation_contract: int = 50000000, gas_limit_delegation_operations: int = 1000000, additional_gas_limit_per_validator_node: int = 6000000, additional_gas_for_delegation_operations: int = 10000000, gas_limit_esdt_transfer: int = 200000, gas_limit_esdt_nft_transfer: int = 200000, gas_limit_multi_esdt_nft_transfer: int = 200000, gas_limit_save_key_value: int = 100000, gas_limit_persist_per_byte: int = 1000, gas_limit_set_guardian: int = 250000, gas_limit_guard_account: int = 250000, gas_limit_unguard_account: int = 250000, gas_limit_claim_developer_rewards: int = 6000000, gas_limit_change_owner_address: int = 6000000)[source]
- additional_gas_for_delegation_operations: int = 10000000
- additional_gas_limit_per_validator_node: int = 6000000
- address_hrp: str = 'erd'
- chain_id: str
- gas_limit_change_owner_address: int = 6000000
- gas_limit_change_sft_to_meta_esdt: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_claim_developer_rewards: int = 6000000
- gas_limit_create_delegation_contract: int = 50000000
- gas_limit_delegation_operations: int = 1000000
- gas_limit_esdt_local_burn: int = 300000
- gas_limit_esdt_local_mint: int = 300000
- gas_limit_esdt_metadata_update: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_esdt_modify_creator: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_esdt_modify_royalties: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_esdt_nft_add_quantity: int = 1000000
- gas_limit_esdt_nft_add_uri: int = 10000000
- gas_limit_esdt_nft_burn: int = 1000000
- gas_limit_esdt_nft_create: int = 3000000
- gas_limit_esdt_nft_transfer: int = 200000
- gas_limit_esdt_nft_update_attributes: int = 1000000
- gas_limit_esdt_transfer: int = 200000
- gas_limit_freeze_single_nft: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_freezing: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_guard_account: int = 250000
- gas_limit_issue: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_multi_esdt_nft_transfer: int = 200000
- gas_limit_nft_change_to_dynamic: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_nft_metadata_recreate: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_pausing: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_per_byte: int = 1500
- gas_limit_persist_per_byte: int = 1000
- gas_limit_register_dynamic: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_save_key_value: int = 100000
- gas_limit_set_guardian: int = 250000
- gas_limit_set_new_uris: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_set_special_role: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_stake: int = 5000000
- gas_limit_stop_nft_create: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_store_per_byte: int = 10000
- gas_limit_toggle_burn_role_globally: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_transfer_nft_create_role: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_transfer_ownership: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_unbond: int = 5000000
- gas_limit_unfreeze_single_nft: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_unguard_account: int = 250000
- gas_limit_unstake: int = 5000000
- gas_limit_update_token_id: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_wipe_single_nft: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_wiping: int = 60000000
- issue_cost: int = 50000000000000000
- min_gas_limit: int = 50000
Module contents
- class multiversx_sdk.core.Address(pubkey: bytes, hrp: str | None = None)[source]
An Address, as an immutable object.
Creates an address object, given a sequence of bytes and the human readable part(hrp).
- Args:
pubkey (bytes): the sequence of bytes
hrp (str): the human readable part
- classmethod empty() Address [source]
Creates an empty address object. Generally speaking, this should not be used by client code (internal use only).
- classmethod from_bech32(value: str) Address [source]
The from_bech32() method is deprecated. Please use new_from_bech32() instead
- classmethod from_hex(value: str, hrp: str) Address [source]
The from_hex() method is deprecated. Please use new_from_hex() instead
- classmethod new_from_bech32(value: str) Address [source]
Creates an address object from the bech32 representation of an address.
- Args:
value (str): the bech32 address representation
- class multiversx_sdk.core.AddressComputer(number_of_shards: int = 3)[source]
A class for computing contract addresses and getting shard numbers.
Initializes the AddressComputer with the number of shards.
- Args:
number_of_shards (int): The number of shards in the network (default: 3).
- compute_contract_address(deployer: Address, deployment_nonce: int) Address [source]
Computes the contract address based on the deployer’s address and deployment nonce.
- Args:
deployer (Address): The address of the deployer
deployment_nonce (int): The nonce of the deployment
- Returns:
Address: The computed contract address as below:
8 bytes of zero + 2 bytes for VM type + 20 bytes of hash(owner) + 2 bytes of shard(owner)
- class multiversx_sdk.core.AddressFactory(hrp: str | None = None)[source]
A factory used to create address objects.
All the addresses created with the factory have the same human readable part
- Args:
hrp (str): the human readable part of the address (default: erd)
- create_from_bech32(value: str) Address [source]
Creates an address object from the bech32 representation of an address
- class multiversx_sdk.core.CodeMetadata(upgradeable: bool = True, readable: bool = True, payable: bool = False, payable_by_contract: bool = False)[source]
- classmethod new_from_bytes(data: bytes) CodeMetadata [source]
- class multiversx_sdk.core.LibraryConfig(default_address_hrp: str = 'erd')[source]
Global configuration of the library.
Generally speaking, this configuration should only be altered in exotic use cases. It can be seen as a collection of constants or, more precisely, variables that are rarely changed and used throughout the library.
Never alter the configuration within a library! Only alter the configuration, if needed, within a final application that uses this library.
- default_address_hrp: str = 'erd'
- class multiversx_sdk.core.Message(data: bytes, signature: bytes = b'', address: Address | None = None, version: int = 1, signer: str = 'sdk-py')[source]
- class multiversx_sdk.core.MessageComputer[source]
- Also see: (in the past, it served as a basis for the implementation)
- class multiversx_sdk.core.SmartContractResult(raw: dict[str, Any], sender: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address, receiver: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address, data: bytes, logs: multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network.TransactionLogs)[source]
- data: bytes
- logs: TransactionLogs
- raw: dict[str, Any]
- class multiversx_sdk.core.TokenComputer[source]
- compute_extended_identifier_from_parts(parts: TokenIdentifierParts) str [source]
- parse_extended_identifier_parts(identifier: str) TokenIdentifierParts [source]
- class multiversx_sdk.core.TokenIdentifierParts(ticker: str, random_sequence: str, nonce: int, prefix: str | None = None)[source]
- class multiversx_sdk.core.TokenTransfer(token: Token, amount: int)[source]
amount should always be in atomic units: 1.000000 “USDC-c76f1f” = “1000000
- static new_from_native_amount(amount: int) TokenTransfer [source]
- class multiversx_sdk.core.Transaction(sender: Address, receiver: Address, gas_limit: int, chain_id: str, nonce: int | None = None, value: int | None = None, sender_username: str | None = None, receiver_username: str | None = None, gas_price: int | None = None, data: bytes | None = None, version: int | None = None, options: int | None = None, guardian: Address | None = None, signature: bytes | None = None, guardian_signature: bytes | None = None, relayer: Address | None = None, relayer_signature: bytes | None = None)[source]
- static new_from_dictionary(dictionary: dict[str, Any]) Transaction [source]
- class multiversx_sdk.core.TransactionComputer[source]
- apply_guardian(transaction: Transaction, guardian: Address) None [source]
- apply_options_for_hash_signing(transaction: Transaction) None [source]
- compute_bytes_for_signing(transaction: Transaction) bytes [source]
- compute_bytes_for_verifying(transaction: Transaction) bytes [source]
- compute_hash_for_signing(transaction: Transaction) bytes [source]
- compute_transaction_fee(transaction: Transaction, network_config: INetworkConfig) int [source]
TransactionsFactoryConfig can be used here as the network_config.
- compute_transaction_hash(transaction: Transaction) bytes [source]
- has_options_set_for_guarded_transaction(transaction: Transaction) bool [source]
- has_options_set_for_hash_signing(transaction: Transaction) bool [source]
- is_relayed_v3_transaction(transaction: Transaction) bool [source]
- class multiversx_sdk.core.TransactionEvent(raw: dict[str, Any], address: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address, identifier: str, topics: list[bytes], data: bytes, additional_data: list[bytes])[source]
- additional_data: list[bytes]
- data: bytes
- identifier: str
- raw: dict[str, Any]
- topics: list[bytes]
- class multiversx_sdk.core.TransactionEventsParser(abi: Abi, first_topic_as_identifier: bool = True)[source]
- parse_event(event: TransactionEvent) SimpleNamespace [source]
- parse_events(events: list[TransactionEvent]) list[SimpleNamespace] [source]
- class multiversx_sdk.core.TransactionLogs(address: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address, events: list[multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network.TransactionEvent])[source]
- events: list[TransactionEvent]
- class multiversx_sdk.core.TransactionOnNetwork(raw: dict[str, Any], sender: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address, receiver: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address, hash: bytes, nonce: int, round: int, epoch: int, timestamp: int, block_hash: bytes, miniblock_hash: bytes, sender_shard: int, receiver_shard: int, value: int, gas_limit: int, gas_price: int, function: str, data: bytes, version: int, options: int, signature: bytes, status: multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_status.TransactionStatus, smart_contract_results: list[multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network.SmartContractResult], logs: multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network.TransactionLogs)[source]
- block_hash: bytes
- data: bytes
- epoch: int
- function: str
- gas_limit: int
- gas_price: int
- hash: bytes
- logs: TransactionLogs
- miniblock_hash: bytes
- nonce: int
- options: int
- raw: dict[str, Any]
- receiver_shard: int
- round: int
- sender_shard: int
- signature: bytes
- smart_contract_results: list[SmartContractResult]
- status: TransactionStatus
- timestamp: int
- value: int
- version: int
- class multiversx_sdk.core.TransactionStatus(status: str)[source]
- is_completed: bool
- is_successful: bool
- status: str
- class multiversx_sdk.core.TransactionsFactoryConfig(chain_id: str, address_hrp: str = 'erd', min_gas_limit: int = 50000, gas_limit_per_byte: int = 1500, gas_limit_issue: int = 60000000, gas_limit_toggle_burn_role_globally: int = 60000000, gas_limit_esdt_local_mint: int = 300000, gas_limit_esdt_local_burn: int = 300000, gas_limit_set_special_role: int = 60000000, gas_limit_pausing: int = 60000000, gas_limit_freezing: int = 60000000, gas_limit_wiping: int = 60000000, gas_limit_esdt_nft_create: int = 3000000, gas_limit_esdt_nft_update_attributes: int = 1000000, gas_limit_esdt_nft_add_quantity: int = 1000000, gas_limit_esdt_nft_burn: int = 1000000, gas_limit_store_per_byte: int = 10000, gas_limit_esdt_modify_royalties: int = 60000000, gas_limit_set_new_uris: int = 60000000, gas_limit_esdt_modify_creator: int = 60000000, gas_limit_esdt_metadata_update: int = 60000000, gas_limit_nft_metadata_recreate: int = 60000000, gas_limit_nft_change_to_dynamic: int = 60000000, gas_limit_update_token_id: int = 60000000, gas_limit_register_dynamic: int = 60000000, issue_cost: int = 50000000000000000, gas_limit_transfer_ownership: int = 60000000, gas_limit_freeze_single_nft: int = 60000000, gas_limit_unfreeze_single_nft: int = 60000000, gas_limit_change_sft_to_meta_esdt: int = 60000000, gas_limit_transfer_nft_create_role: int = 60000000, gas_limit_stop_nft_create: int = 60000000, gas_limit_wipe_single_nft: int = 60000000, gas_limit_esdt_nft_add_uri: int = 10000000, esdt_contract_address: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address = <factory>, gas_limit_stake: int = 5000000, gas_limit_unstake: int = 5000000, gas_limit_unbond: int = 5000000, gas_limit_create_delegation_contract: int = 50000000, gas_limit_delegation_operations: int = 1000000, additional_gas_limit_per_validator_node: int = 6000000, additional_gas_for_delegation_operations: int = 10000000, gas_limit_esdt_transfer: int = 200000, gas_limit_esdt_nft_transfer: int = 200000, gas_limit_multi_esdt_nft_transfer: int = 200000, gas_limit_save_key_value: int = 100000, gas_limit_persist_per_byte: int = 1000, gas_limit_set_guardian: int = 250000, gas_limit_guard_account: int = 250000, gas_limit_unguard_account: int = 250000, gas_limit_claim_developer_rewards: int = 6000000, gas_limit_change_owner_address: int = 6000000)[source]
- additional_gas_for_delegation_operations: int = 10000000
- additional_gas_limit_per_validator_node: int = 6000000
- address_hrp: str = 'erd'
- chain_id: str
- gas_limit_change_owner_address: int = 6000000
- gas_limit_change_sft_to_meta_esdt: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_claim_developer_rewards: int = 6000000
- gas_limit_create_delegation_contract: int = 50000000
- gas_limit_delegation_operations: int = 1000000
- gas_limit_esdt_local_burn: int = 300000
- gas_limit_esdt_local_mint: int = 300000
- gas_limit_esdt_metadata_update: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_esdt_modify_creator: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_esdt_modify_royalties: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_esdt_nft_add_quantity: int = 1000000
- gas_limit_esdt_nft_add_uri: int = 10000000
- gas_limit_esdt_nft_burn: int = 1000000
- gas_limit_esdt_nft_create: int = 3000000
- gas_limit_esdt_nft_transfer: int = 200000
- gas_limit_esdt_nft_update_attributes: int = 1000000
- gas_limit_esdt_transfer: int = 200000
- gas_limit_freeze_single_nft: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_freezing: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_guard_account: int = 250000
- gas_limit_issue: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_multi_esdt_nft_transfer: int = 200000
- gas_limit_nft_change_to_dynamic: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_nft_metadata_recreate: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_pausing: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_per_byte: int = 1500
- gas_limit_persist_per_byte: int = 1000
- gas_limit_register_dynamic: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_save_key_value: int = 100000
- gas_limit_set_guardian: int = 250000
- gas_limit_set_new_uris: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_set_special_role: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_stake: int = 5000000
- gas_limit_stop_nft_create: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_store_per_byte: int = 10000
- gas_limit_toggle_burn_role_globally: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_transfer_nft_create_role: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_transfer_ownership: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_unbond: int = 5000000
- gas_limit_unfreeze_single_nft: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_unguard_account: int = 250000
- gas_limit_unstake: int = 5000000
- gas_limit_update_token_id: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_wipe_single_nft: int = 60000000
- gas_limit_wiping: int = 60000000
- issue_cost: int = 50000000000000000
- min_gas_limit: int = 50000
- multiversx_sdk.core.find_events_by_first_topic(transaction: TransactionOnNetwork, topic: str) list[TransactionEvent] [source]
- multiversx_sdk.core.find_events_by_identifier(transaction: TransactionOnNetwork, identifier: str) list[TransactionEvent] [source]