Source code for multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_events_parser

from types import SimpleNamespace

from multiversx_sdk.abi.abi import Abi
from multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_on_network import TransactionEvent

[docs] class TransactionEventsParser: def __init__(self, abi: Abi, first_topic_as_identifier: bool = True) -> None: self.abi = abi # By default, we consider that the first topic is the event identifier. # This is true for log entries emitted by smart contracts: # # self.first_topic_as_identifier = first_topic_as_identifier
[docs] def parse_events(self, events: list[TransactionEvent]) -> list[SimpleNamespace]: return [self.parse_event(event) for event in events]
[docs] def parse_event(self, event: TransactionEvent) -> SimpleNamespace: first_topic = event.topics[0].decode() if len(event.topics) else "" abi_identifier = first_topic if first_topic and self.first_topic_as_identifier else event.identifier topics = event.topics if self.first_topic_as_identifier: topics = topics[1:] return self.abi.decode_event( event_name=abi_identifier, topics=topics, additional_data=event.additional_data, )