multiversx_sdk.network_providers package
multiversx_sdk.network_providers.account_awaiter module
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.account_awaiter.AccountAwaiter(fetcher: IAccountFetcher, polling_interval_in_milliseconds: int | None = None, timeout_interval_in_milliseconds: int | None = None, patience_time_in_milliseconds: int | None = None)[source]
AccountAwaiter allows one to await until a specific event occurs on a given address.
- Args:
fetcher (IAccountFetcher): Used to fetch the account of the network. polling_interval_in_milliseconds (Optional[int]): The polling interval, in milliseconds. timeout_interval_in_milliseconds (Optional[int]): The timeout, in milliseconds. patience_time_in_milliseconds (Optional[int]): The patience, an extra time (in milliseconds) to wait, after the account has reached its desired condition.
- await_on_condition(address: Address, condition: Callable[[AccountOnNetwork], bool]) AccountOnNetwork [source]
Waits until the condition is satisfied.
multiversx_sdk.network_providers.api_network_provider module
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.api_network_provider.ApiNetworkProvider(url: str, address_hrp: str | None = None, config: NetworkProviderConfig | None = None)[source]
- await_account_on_condition(address: Address, condition: Callable[[AccountOnNetwork], bool], options: AwaitingOptions | None = None) AccountOnNetwork [source]
Waits until an account satisfies a given condition.
- await_transaction_completed(transaction_hash: str | bytes, options: AwaitingOptions | None = None) TransactionOnNetwork [source]
Waits until the transaction is completely processed.
- await_transaction_on_condition(transaction_hash: str | bytes, condition: Callable[[TransactionOnNetwork], bool], options: AwaitingOptions | None = None) TransactionOnNetwork [source]
Waits until a transaction satisfies a given condition.
- do_get_generic(url: str, url_parameters: dict[str, Any] | None = None) Any [source]
Does a generic GET request against the network(handles API enveloping).
- do_post_generic(url: str, data: Any, url_parameters: dict[str, Any] | None = None) Any [source]
Does a generic GET request against the network(handles API enveloping).
- estimate_transaction_cost(transaction: Transaction) TransactionCostResponse [source]
Estimates the cost of a transaction.
- get_account(address: Address) AccountOnNetwork [source]
Fetches account information for a given address.
- get_account_storage(address: Address) AccountStorage [source]
Fetches the storage (key-value pairs) of an account. When decoding the keys, the errors are ignored. Use the raw values if needed.
- get_account_storage_entry(address: Address, entry_key: str) AccountStorageEntry [source]
Fetches a specific storage entry of an account.
- get_block(block_hash: str | bytes) BlockOnNetwork [source]
Fetches a block by hash.
- get_definition_of_fungible_token(token_identifier: str) FungibleTokenMetadata [source]
Fetches the definition of a fungible token.
- get_definition_of_tokens_collection(collection_name: str) TokensCollectionMetadata [source]
Fetches the definition of a tokens collection.
- get_fungible_tokens_of_account(address: Address) list[TokenAmountOnNetwork] [source]
Fetches the balances of an account, for all fungible tokens held by the account. Pagination isn’t explicitly handled by a basic network provider, but can be achieved by using do_get_generic.
- get_latest_block() BlockOnNetwork [source]
Fetches the latest block of a shard.
- get_network_config() NetworkConfig [source]
Fetches the general configuration of the network.
- get_network_status(shard: int = 4294967295) NetworkStatus [source]
Fetches the current status of the network.
- get_non_fungible_tokens_of_account(address: Address) list[TokenAmountOnNetwork] [source]
Fetches the balances of an account, for all non-fungible tokens held by the account. Pagination isn’t explicitly handled by a basic network provider, but can be achieved by using do_get_generic.
- get_token_of_account(address: Address, token: Token) TokenAmountOnNetwork [source]
Fetches the balance of an account, for a given token. Able to handle both fungible and non-fungible tokens (NFTs, SFTs, MetaESDTs).
- get_transaction(transaction_hash: str | bytes) TransactionOnNetwork [source]
Fetches a transaction that was previously broadcasted (maybe already processed by the network).
- query_contract(query: SmartContractQuery) SmartContractQueryResponse [source]
- send_transaction(transaction: Transaction) bytes [source]
Broadcasts a transaction and returns its hash.
- send_transactions(transactions: list[Transaction]) tuple[int, list[bytes]] [source]
Broadcasts multiple transactions and returns a tuple of (number of accepted transactions, list of transaction hashes). In the returned list, the order of transaction hashes corresponds to the order of transactions in the input list. If a transaction is not accepted, its hash is empty in the returned list.
- simulate_transaction(transaction: Transaction, check_signature: bool = False) TransactionOnNetwork [source]
Simulates a transaction.
multiversx_sdk.network_providers.config module
multiversx_sdk.network_providers.errors module
- exception multiversx_sdk.network_providers.errors.ExpectedAccountConditionNotReachedError[source]
- exception multiversx_sdk.network_providers.errors.ExpectedTransactionStatusNotReachedError[source]
multiversx_sdk.network_providers.http_resources module
- multiversx_sdk.network_providers.http_resources.account_from_api_response(raw_response: dict[str, Any]) AccountOnNetwork [source]
- multiversx_sdk.network_providers.http_resources.account_from_proxy_response(raw_response: dict[str, Any]) AccountOnNetwork [source]
- multiversx_sdk.network_providers.http_resources.account_storage_entry_from_response(raw_response: dict[str, Any], key: str) AccountStorageEntry [source]
- multiversx_sdk.network_providers.http_resources.account_storage_from_response(raw_response: dict[str, Any]) AccountStorage [source]
- multiversx_sdk.network_providers.http_resources.block_from_response(raw_response: dict[str, Any]) BlockOnNetwork [source]
- multiversx_sdk.network_providers.http_resources.definition_of_fungible_token_from_api_response(raw_response: dict[str, Any]) FungibleTokenMetadata [source]
- multiversx_sdk.network_providers.http_resources.definition_of_fungible_token_from_query_response(raw_response: list[bytes], identifier: str, address_hrp: str) FungibleTokenMetadata [source]
- multiversx_sdk.network_providers.http_resources.definition_of_tokens_collection_from_api_response(raw_response: dict[str, Any]) TokensCollectionMetadata [source]
- multiversx_sdk.network_providers.http_resources.definition_of_tokens_collection_from_query_response(raw_response: list[bytes], identifier: str, address_hrp: str) TokensCollectionMetadata [source]
- multiversx_sdk.network_providers.http_resources.network_config_from_response(raw_response: dict[str, Any]) NetworkConfig [source]
- multiversx_sdk.network_providers.http_resources.network_status_from_response(raw_response: dict[str, Any]) NetworkStatus [source]
- multiversx_sdk.network_providers.http_resources.smart_contract_query_to_vm_query_request(query: SmartContractQuery) dict[str, Any] [source]
- multiversx_sdk.network_providers.http_resources.smart_contract_result_from_api_response(raw_response: dict[str, Any]) SmartContractResult [source]
- multiversx_sdk.network_providers.http_resources.smart_contract_result_from_proxy_response(raw_response: dict[str, Any]) SmartContractResult [source]
- multiversx_sdk.network_providers.http_resources.token_amount_from_api_response(raw_response: dict[str, Any]) TokenAmountOnNetwork [source]
- multiversx_sdk.network_providers.http_resources.token_amount_on_network_from_proxy_response(raw_response: dict[str, Any]) TokenAmountOnNetwork [source]
- multiversx_sdk.network_providers.http_resources.token_amounts_from_proxy_response(raw_response: dict[str, Any]) list[TokenAmountOnNetwork] [source]
- multiversx_sdk.network_providers.http_resources.transaction_cost_estimation_from_response(raw_response: dict[str, Any]) TransactionCostResponse [source]
- multiversx_sdk.network_providers.http_resources.transaction_events_from_response(raw_response: dict[str, Any]) TransactionEvent [source]
- multiversx_sdk.network_providers.http_resources.transaction_from_api_response(tx_hash: str, response: dict[str, Any]) TransactionOnNetwork [source]
- multiversx_sdk.network_providers.http_resources.transaction_from_proxy_response(tx_hash: str, response: dict[str, Any], process_status: TransactionStatus | None = None) TransactionOnNetwork [source]
- multiversx_sdk.network_providers.http_resources.transaction_from_simulate_response(original_tx: Transaction, raw_response: dict[str, Any]) TransactionOnNetwork [source]
- multiversx_sdk.network_providers.http_resources.transaction_logs_from_response(raw_response: dict[str, Any]) TransactionLogs [source]
- multiversx_sdk.network_providers.http_resources.transactions_from_send_multiple_response(raw_response: dict[str, Any], initial_txs_sent: int) tuple[int, list[bytes]] [source]
- multiversx_sdk.network_providers.http_resources.vm_query_response_to_smart_contract_query_response(raw_response: dict[str, Any], function: str) SmartContractQueryResponse [source]
multiversx_sdk.network_providers.interface module
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.interface.INetworkProvider(*args, **kwargs)[source]
- await_account_on_condition(address: Address, condition: Callable[[AccountOnNetwork], bool], options: AwaitingOptions | None) AccountOnNetwork [source]
- await_transaction_completed(transaction_hash: bytes | str, options: AwaitingOptions | None) TransactionOnNetwork [source]
- await_transaction_on_condition(transaction_hash: bytes | str, condition: Callable[[TransactionOnNetwork], bool], options: AwaitingOptions | None) TransactionOnNetwork [source]
- estimate_transaction_cost(transaction: Transaction) TransactionCostResponse [source]
- get_account(address: Address) AccountOnNetwork [source]
- get_account_storage(address: Address) AccountStorage [source]
- get_account_storage_entry(address: Address, entry_key: str) AccountStorageEntry [source]
- get_definition_of_fungible_token(token_identifier: str) FungibleTokenMetadata [source]
- get_definition_of_tokens_collection(collection_name: str) TokensCollectionMetadata [source]
- get_fungible_tokens_of_account(address: Address) list[TokenAmountOnNetwork] [source]
- get_network_config() NetworkConfig [source]
- get_network_status(shard: int) NetworkStatus [source]
- get_non_fungible_tokens_of_account(address: Address) list[TokenAmountOnNetwork] [source]
- get_token_of_account(address: Address, token: Token) TokenAmountOnNetwork [source]
- get_transaction(transaction_hash: bytes | str) TransactionOnNetwork [source]
- query_contract(query: SmartContractQuery) SmartContractQueryResponse [source]
- send_transaction(transaction: Transaction) bytes [source]
- send_transactions(transactions: list[Transaction]) tuple[int, list[bytes]] [source]
- simulate_transaction(transaction: Transaction) TransactionOnNetwork [source]
multiversx_sdk.network_providers.proxy_network_provider module
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.proxy_network_provider.ProxyNetworkProvider(url: str, address_hrp: str | None = None, config: NetworkProviderConfig | None = None)[source]
- await_account_on_condition(address: Address, condition: Callable[[AccountOnNetwork], bool], options: AwaitingOptions | None = None) AccountOnNetwork [source]
Waits until an account satisfies a given condition.
- await_transaction_completed(transaction_hash: bytes | str, options: AwaitingOptions | None = None) TransactionOnNetwork [source]
Waits until the transaction is completely processed.
- await_transaction_on_condition(transaction_hash: str | bytes, condition: Callable[[TransactionOnNetwork], bool], options: AwaitingOptions | None = None) TransactionOnNetwork [source]
Waits until a transaction satisfies a given condition.
- do_get_generic(url: str, url_parameters: dict[str, Any] | None = None) GenericResponse [source]
Does a generic GET request against the network (handles API enveloping).
- do_post_generic(url: str, data: Any, url_parameters: dict[str, Any] | None = None) GenericResponse [source]
Does a generic GET request against the network (handles API enveloping).
- estimate_transaction_cost(transaction: Transaction) TransactionCostResponse [source]
Estimates the cost of a transaction.
- get_account(address: Address) AccountOnNetwork [source]
Fetches account information for a given address.
- get_account_storage(address: Address) AccountStorage [source]
Fetches the storage (key-value pairs) of an account. When decoding the keys, the errors are ignored. Use the raw values if needed.
- get_account_storage_entry(address: Address, entry_key: str) AccountStorageEntry [source]
Fetches a specific storage entry of an account.
- get_block(shard: int, block_hash: str | bytes | None = None, block_nonce: int | None = None) BlockOnNetwork [source]
Fetches a block by nonce or by hash.
- get_definition_of_fungible_token(token_identifier: str) FungibleTokenMetadata [source]
Fetches the definition of a fungible token.
- get_definition_of_tokens_collection(collection_name: str) TokensCollectionMetadata [source]
Fetches the definition of a tokens collection.
- get_fungible_tokens_of_account(address: Address) list[TokenAmountOnNetwork] [source]
Fetches the balances of an account, for all fungible tokens held by the account. Pagination isn’t explicitly handled by a basic network provider, but can be achieved by using do_get_generic.
- get_latest_block(shard: int = 4294967295) BlockOnNetwork [source]
Fetches the latest block of a shard.
- get_network_config() NetworkConfig [source]
Fetches the general configuration of the network.
- get_network_status(shard: int = 4294967295) NetworkStatus [source]
Fetches the current status of the network.
- get_non_fungible_tokens_of_account(address: Address) list[TokenAmountOnNetwork] [source]
Fetches the balances of an account, for all non-fungible tokens held by the account. Pagination isn’t explicitly handled by a basic network provider, but can be achieved by using do_get_generic.
- get_token_of_account(address: Address, token: Token) TokenAmountOnNetwork [source]
Fetches the balance of an account, for a given token. Able to handle both fungible and non-fungible tokens (NFTs, SFTs, MetaESDTs).
- get_transaction(transaction_hash: bytes | str) TransactionOnNetwork [source]
Fetches a transaction that was previously broadcasted (maybe already processed by the network).
- get_transaction_status(transaction_hash: str | bytes) TransactionStatus [source]
Fetches the status of a transaction.
- query_contract(query: SmartContractQuery) SmartContractQueryResponse [source]
Queries a smart contract.
- send_transaction(transaction: Transaction) bytes [source]
Broadcasts a transaction and returns its hash.
- send_transactions(transactions: list[Transaction]) tuple[int, list[bytes]] [source]
Broadcasts multiple transactions and returns a tuple of (number of accepted transactions, list of transaction hashes). In the returned list, the order of transaction hashes corresponds to the order of transactions in the input list. If a transaction is not accepted, its hash is empty in the returned list.
- simulate_transaction(transaction: Transaction, check_signature: bool = False) TransactionOnNetwork [source]
Simulates a transaction.
multiversx_sdk.network_providers.resources module
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.resources.AccountOnNetwork(raw: dict[str, Any], address: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address, nonce: int, balance: int, is_guarded: bool, username: str = '', block_coordinates: multiversx_sdk.network_providers.resources.BlockCoordinates | None = None, contract_code_hash: bytes = b'', contract_code: bytes = b'', contract_developer_reward: int = 0, contract_owner_address: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address | None = None, is_contract_upgradable: bool = False, is_contract_readable: bool = False, is_contract_payable: bool = False, is_contract_payable_by_contract: bool = False)[source]
- balance: int
- block_coordinates: BlockCoordinates | None = None
- contract_code: bytes = b''
- contract_code_hash: bytes = b''
- contract_developer_reward: int = 0
- is_contract_payable: bool = False
- is_contract_payable_by_contract: bool = False
- is_contract_readable: bool = False
- is_contract_upgradable: bool = False
- is_guarded: bool
- nonce: int
- raw: dict[str, Any]
- username: str = ''
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.resources.AccountStorage(raw: dict[str, Any], entries: list[multiversx_sdk.network_providers.resources.AccountStorageEntry], block_coordinates: multiversx_sdk.network_providers.resources.BlockCoordinates | None = None)[source]
- block_coordinates: BlockCoordinates | None = None
- entries: list[AccountStorageEntry]
- raw: dict[str, Any]
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.resources.AccountStorageEntry(raw: dict[str, Any], key: str, value: bytes, block_coordinates: multiversx_sdk.network_providers.resources.BlockCoordinates | None = None)[source]
- block_coordinates: BlockCoordinates | None = None
- key: str
- raw: dict[str, Any]
- value: bytes
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.resources.AwaitingOptions(polling_interval_in_milliseconds: int = 6000, timeout_in_milliseconds: int = 90000, patience_in_milliseconds: int = 3000)[source]
- patience_in_milliseconds: int = 3000
- polling_interval_in_milliseconds: int = 6000
- timeout_in_milliseconds: int = 90000
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.resources.BlockCoordinates(nonce: str, hash: bytes, root_hash: bytes)[source]
- hash: bytes
- nonce: str
- root_hash: bytes
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.resources.BlockOnNetwork(raw: dict[str, Any], shard: int, nonce: int, hash: bytes, previous_hash: bytes, timestamp: int, round: int, epoch: int)[source]
- epoch: int
- hash: bytes
- nonce: int
- previous_hash: bytes
- raw: dict[str, Any]
- round: int
- shard: int
- timestamp: int
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.resources.FungibleTokenMetadata(raw: dict[str, Any], identifier: str, name: str, ticker: str, owner: str, decimals: int)[source]
- decimals: int
- identifier: str
- name: str
- owner: str
- raw: dict[str, Any]
- ticker: str
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.resources.NetworkConfig(raw: dict[str, Any], chain_id: str, gas_per_data_byte: int, gas_price_modifier: float, min_gas_limit: int, min_gas_price: int, extra_gas_limit_for_guarded_transactions: int, num_shards: int, round_duration: int, num_rounds_per_epoch: int, genesis_timestamp: int)[source]
- chain_id: str
- extra_gas_limit_for_guarded_transactions: int
- gas_per_data_byte: int
- gas_price_modifier: float
- genesis_timestamp: int
- min_gas_limit: int
- min_gas_price: int
- num_rounds_per_epoch: int
- num_shards: int
- raw: dict[str, Any]
- round_duration: int
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.resources.NetworkStatus(raw: dict[str, Any], block_timestamp: int, block_nonce: int, highest_final_block_nonce: int, current_round: int, current_epoch: int)[source]
- block_nonce: int
- block_timestamp: int
- current_epoch: int
- current_round: int
- highest_final_block_nonce: int
- raw: dict[str, Any]
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.resources.TokenAmountOnNetwork(raw: dict[str, Any], token: multiversx_sdk.core.tokens.Token, amount: int, attributes: bytes, block_coordinates: multiversx_sdk.network_providers.resources.BlockCoordinates | None = None)[source]
- amount: int
- attributes: bytes
- block_coordinates: BlockCoordinates | None = None
- raw: dict[str, Any]
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.resources.TokensCollectionMetadata(raw: dict[str, Any], collection: str, type: str, name: str, ticker: str, owner: str, decimals: int)[source]
- collection: str
- decimals: int
- name: str
- owner: str
- raw: dict[str, Any]
- ticker: str
- type: str
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.resources.TransactionCostResponse(raw: dict[str, Any], gas_limit: int, status: multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_status.TransactionStatus)[source]
- gas_limit: int
- raw: dict[str, Any]
- status: TransactionStatus
multiversx_sdk.network_providers.transaction_awaiter module
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.transaction_awaiter.ITransactionFetcher(*args, **kwargs)[source]
- get_transaction(transaction_hash: bytes | str) TransactionOnNetwork [source]
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.transaction_awaiter.TransactionAwaiter(fetcher: ITransactionFetcher, polling_interval_in_milliseconds: int | None = None, timeout_interval_in_milliseconds: int | None = None, patience_time_in_milliseconds: int | None = None)[source]
TransactionAwaiter allows one to await until a specific event (such as transaction completion) occurs on a given transaction.
- Args:
fetcher (ITransactionFetcher): Used to fetch the transaction of the network. polling_interval_in_milliseconds (Optional[int]): The polling interval, in milliseconds. timeout_interval_in_milliseconds (Optional[int]): The timeout, in milliseconds. patience_time_in_milliseconds (Optional[int]): The patience, an extra time (in milliseconds) to wait, after the transaction has reached its desired status. Currently there’s a delay between the moment a transaction is marked as “completed” and the moment its outcome (contract results, events and logs) is available.
- await_completed(transaction_hash: str | bytes) TransactionOnNetwork [source]
Waits until the transaction is completely processed.
- await_on_condition(transaction_hash: str | bytes, condition: Callable[[TransactionOnNetwork], bool]) TransactionOnNetwork [source]
Waits until the condition is satisfied.
multiversx_sdk.network_providers.transaction_decoder module
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.transaction_decoder.TransactionDecoder[source]
Can be used for decoding custom token transfers transactions (ESDTTransfer, NFTTransfer, MultiESDTNFTTransfer).
- get_esdt_transaction_metadata(metadata: TransactionMetadata) TransactionMetadata | None [source]
- get_multi_transfer_metadata(metadata: TransactionMetadata) TransactionMetadata | None [source]
- get_nft_transfer_metadata(metadata: TransactionMetadata) TransactionMetadata | None [source]
- get_normal_transaction_metadata(transaction: TransactionOnNetwork) TransactionMetadata [source]
- get_transaction_metadata(transaction: TransactionOnNetwork) TransactionMetadata [source]
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.transaction_decoder.TransactionMetadata[source]
- function_args: list[str] | None
- function_name: str | None
- receiver: str
- sender: str
- transfer_messages: list[bytes]
This property is set to the extra arguments passed to ESDTTransfer when transferring tokens to non-smart contract accounts.
- transfers: list[TokenTransfer] | None
- value: int
multiversx_sdk.network_providers.user_agent module
- multiversx_sdk.network_providers.user_agent.extend_user_agent(user_agent_prefix: str, config: NetworkProviderConfig)[source]
Module contents
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.AccountAwaiter(fetcher: IAccountFetcher, polling_interval_in_milliseconds: int | None = None, timeout_interval_in_milliseconds: int | None = None, patience_time_in_milliseconds: int | None = None)[source]
AccountAwaiter allows one to await until a specific event occurs on a given address.
- Args:
fetcher (IAccountFetcher): Used to fetch the account of the network. polling_interval_in_milliseconds (Optional[int]): The polling interval, in milliseconds. timeout_interval_in_milliseconds (Optional[int]): The timeout, in milliseconds. patience_time_in_milliseconds (Optional[int]): The patience, an extra time (in milliseconds) to wait, after the account has reached its desired condition.
- await_on_condition(address: Address, condition: Callable[[AccountOnNetwork], bool]) AccountOnNetwork [source]
Waits until the condition is satisfied.
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.AccountOnNetwork(raw: dict[str, Any], address: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address, nonce: int, balance: int, is_guarded: bool, username: str = '', block_coordinates: multiversx_sdk.network_providers.resources.BlockCoordinates | None = None, contract_code_hash: bytes = b'', contract_code: bytes = b'', contract_developer_reward: int = 0, contract_owner_address: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address | None = None, is_contract_upgradable: bool = False, is_contract_readable: bool = False, is_contract_payable: bool = False, is_contract_payable_by_contract: bool = False)[source]
- balance: int
- block_coordinates: BlockCoordinates | None = None
- contract_code: bytes = b''
- contract_code_hash: bytes = b''
- contract_developer_reward: int = 0
- is_contract_payable: bool = False
- is_contract_payable_by_contract: bool = False
- is_contract_readable: bool = False
- is_contract_upgradable: bool = False
- is_guarded: bool
- nonce: int
- raw: dict[str, Any]
- username: str = ''
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.AccountStorage(raw: dict[str, Any], entries: list[multiversx_sdk.network_providers.resources.AccountStorageEntry], block_coordinates: multiversx_sdk.network_providers.resources.BlockCoordinates | None = None)[source]
- block_coordinates: BlockCoordinates | None = None
- entries: list[AccountStorageEntry]
- raw: dict[str, Any]
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.AccountStorageEntry(raw: dict[str, Any], key: str, value: bytes, block_coordinates: multiversx_sdk.network_providers.resources.BlockCoordinates | None = None)[source]
- block_coordinates: BlockCoordinates | None = None
- key: str
- raw: dict[str, Any]
- value: bytes
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.ApiNetworkProvider(url: str, address_hrp: str | None = None, config: NetworkProviderConfig | None = None)[source]
- await_account_on_condition(address: Address, condition: Callable[[AccountOnNetwork], bool], options: AwaitingOptions | None = None) AccountOnNetwork [source]
Waits until an account satisfies a given condition.
- await_transaction_completed(transaction_hash: str | bytes, options: AwaitingOptions | None = None) TransactionOnNetwork [source]
Waits until the transaction is completely processed.
- await_transaction_on_condition(transaction_hash: str | bytes, condition: Callable[[TransactionOnNetwork], bool], options: AwaitingOptions | None = None) TransactionOnNetwork [source]
Waits until a transaction satisfies a given condition.
- do_get_generic(url: str, url_parameters: dict[str, Any] | None = None) Any [source]
Does a generic GET request against the network(handles API enveloping).
- do_post_generic(url: str, data: Any, url_parameters: dict[str, Any] | None = None) Any [source]
Does a generic GET request against the network(handles API enveloping).
- estimate_transaction_cost(transaction: Transaction) TransactionCostResponse [source]
Estimates the cost of a transaction.
- get_account(address: Address) AccountOnNetwork [source]
Fetches account information for a given address.
- get_account_storage(address: Address) AccountStorage [source]
Fetches the storage (key-value pairs) of an account. When decoding the keys, the errors are ignored. Use the raw values if needed.
- get_account_storage_entry(address: Address, entry_key: str) AccountStorageEntry [source]
Fetches a specific storage entry of an account.
- get_block(block_hash: str | bytes) BlockOnNetwork [source]
Fetches a block by hash.
- get_definition_of_fungible_token(token_identifier: str) FungibleTokenMetadata [source]
Fetches the definition of a fungible token.
- get_definition_of_tokens_collection(collection_name: str) TokensCollectionMetadata [source]
Fetches the definition of a tokens collection.
- get_fungible_tokens_of_account(address: Address) list[TokenAmountOnNetwork] [source]
Fetches the balances of an account, for all fungible tokens held by the account. Pagination isn’t explicitly handled by a basic network provider, but can be achieved by using do_get_generic.
- get_latest_block() BlockOnNetwork [source]
Fetches the latest block of a shard.
- get_network_config() NetworkConfig [source]
Fetches the general configuration of the network.
- get_network_status(shard: int = 4294967295) NetworkStatus [source]
Fetches the current status of the network.
- get_non_fungible_tokens_of_account(address: Address) list[TokenAmountOnNetwork] [source]
Fetches the balances of an account, for all non-fungible tokens held by the account. Pagination isn’t explicitly handled by a basic network provider, but can be achieved by using do_get_generic.
- get_token_of_account(address: Address, token: Token) TokenAmountOnNetwork [source]
Fetches the balance of an account, for a given token. Able to handle both fungible and non-fungible tokens (NFTs, SFTs, MetaESDTs).
- get_transaction(transaction_hash: str | bytes) TransactionOnNetwork [source]
Fetches a transaction that was previously broadcasted (maybe already processed by the network).
- query_contract(query: SmartContractQuery) SmartContractQueryResponse [source]
- send_transaction(transaction: Transaction) bytes [source]
Broadcasts a transaction and returns its hash.
- send_transactions(transactions: list[Transaction]) tuple[int, list[bytes]] [source]
Broadcasts multiple transactions and returns a tuple of (number of accepted transactions, list of transaction hashes). In the returned list, the order of transaction hashes corresponds to the order of transactions in the input list. If a transaction is not accepted, its hash is empty in the returned list.
- simulate_transaction(transaction: Transaction, check_signature: bool = False) TransactionOnNetwork [source]
Simulates a transaction.
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.AwaitingOptions(polling_interval_in_milliseconds: int = 6000, timeout_in_milliseconds: int = 90000, patience_in_milliseconds: int = 3000)[source]
- patience_in_milliseconds: int = 3000
- polling_interval_in_milliseconds: int = 6000
- timeout_in_milliseconds: int = 90000
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.BlockCoordinates(nonce: str, hash: bytes, root_hash: bytes)[source]
- hash: bytes
- nonce: str
- root_hash: bytes
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.BlockOnNetwork(raw: dict[str, Any], shard: int, nonce: int, hash: bytes, previous_hash: bytes, timestamp: int, round: int, epoch: int)[source]
- epoch: int
- hash: bytes
- nonce: int
- previous_hash: bytes
- raw: dict[str, Any]
- round: int
- shard: int
- timestamp: int
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.FungibleTokenMetadata(raw: dict[str, Any], identifier: str, name: str, ticker: str, owner: str, decimals: int)[source]
- decimals: int
- identifier: str
- name: str
- owner: str
- raw: dict[str, Any]
- ticker: str
- exception multiversx_sdk.network_providers.GenericError(url: str, data: Any)[source]
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.NetworkConfig(raw: dict[str, Any], chain_id: str, gas_per_data_byte: int, gas_price_modifier: float, min_gas_limit: int, min_gas_price: int, extra_gas_limit_for_guarded_transactions: int, num_shards: int, round_duration: int, num_rounds_per_epoch: int, genesis_timestamp: int)[source]
- chain_id: str
- extra_gas_limit_for_guarded_transactions: int
- gas_per_data_byte: int
- gas_price_modifier: float
- genesis_timestamp: int
- min_gas_limit: int
- min_gas_price: int
- num_rounds_per_epoch: int
- num_shards: int
- raw: dict[str, Any]
- round_duration: int
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.NetworkProviderConfig(client_name: str | None = None, requests_options: dict[str, Any] | None = None)[source]
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.NetworkStatus(raw: dict[str, Any], block_timestamp: int, block_nonce: int, highest_final_block_nonce: int, current_round: int, current_epoch: int)[source]
- block_nonce: int
- block_timestamp: int
- current_epoch: int
- current_round: int
- highest_final_block_nonce: int
- raw: dict[str, Any]
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.ProxyNetworkProvider(url: str, address_hrp: str | None = None, config: NetworkProviderConfig | None = None)[source]
- await_account_on_condition(address: Address, condition: Callable[[AccountOnNetwork], bool], options: AwaitingOptions | None = None) AccountOnNetwork [source]
Waits until an account satisfies a given condition.
- await_transaction_completed(transaction_hash: bytes | str, options: AwaitingOptions | None = None) TransactionOnNetwork [source]
Waits until the transaction is completely processed.
- await_transaction_on_condition(transaction_hash: str | bytes, condition: Callable[[TransactionOnNetwork], bool], options: AwaitingOptions | None = None) TransactionOnNetwork [source]
Waits until a transaction satisfies a given condition.
- do_get_generic(url: str, url_parameters: dict[str, Any] | None = None) GenericResponse [source]
Does a generic GET request against the network (handles API enveloping).
- do_post_generic(url: str, data: Any, url_parameters: dict[str, Any] | None = None) GenericResponse [source]
Does a generic GET request against the network (handles API enveloping).
- estimate_transaction_cost(transaction: Transaction) TransactionCostResponse [source]
Estimates the cost of a transaction.
- get_account(address: Address) AccountOnNetwork [source]
Fetches account information for a given address.
- get_account_storage(address: Address) AccountStorage [source]
Fetches the storage (key-value pairs) of an account. When decoding the keys, the errors are ignored. Use the raw values if needed.
- get_account_storage_entry(address: Address, entry_key: str) AccountStorageEntry [source]
Fetches a specific storage entry of an account.
- get_block(shard: int, block_hash: str | bytes | None = None, block_nonce: int | None = None) BlockOnNetwork [source]
Fetches a block by nonce or by hash.
- get_definition_of_fungible_token(token_identifier: str) FungibleTokenMetadata [source]
Fetches the definition of a fungible token.
- get_definition_of_tokens_collection(collection_name: str) TokensCollectionMetadata [source]
Fetches the definition of a tokens collection.
- get_fungible_tokens_of_account(address: Address) list[TokenAmountOnNetwork] [source]
Fetches the balances of an account, for all fungible tokens held by the account. Pagination isn’t explicitly handled by a basic network provider, but can be achieved by using do_get_generic.
- get_latest_block(shard: int = 4294967295) BlockOnNetwork [source]
Fetches the latest block of a shard.
- get_network_config() NetworkConfig [source]
Fetches the general configuration of the network.
- get_network_status(shard: int = 4294967295) NetworkStatus [source]
Fetches the current status of the network.
- get_non_fungible_tokens_of_account(address: Address) list[TokenAmountOnNetwork] [source]
Fetches the balances of an account, for all non-fungible tokens held by the account. Pagination isn’t explicitly handled by a basic network provider, but can be achieved by using do_get_generic.
- get_token_of_account(address: Address, token: Token) TokenAmountOnNetwork [source]
Fetches the balance of an account, for a given token. Able to handle both fungible and non-fungible tokens (NFTs, SFTs, MetaESDTs).
- get_transaction(transaction_hash: bytes | str) TransactionOnNetwork [source]
Fetches a transaction that was previously broadcasted (maybe already processed by the network).
- get_transaction_status(transaction_hash: str | bytes) TransactionStatus [source]
Fetches the status of a transaction.
- query_contract(query: SmartContractQuery) SmartContractQueryResponse [source]
Queries a smart contract.
- send_transaction(transaction: Transaction) bytes [source]
Broadcasts a transaction and returns its hash.
- send_transactions(transactions: list[Transaction]) tuple[int, list[bytes]] [source]
Broadcasts multiple transactions and returns a tuple of (number of accepted transactions, list of transaction hashes). In the returned list, the order of transaction hashes corresponds to the order of transactions in the input list. If a transaction is not accepted, its hash is empty in the returned list.
- simulate_transaction(transaction: Transaction, check_signature: bool = False) TransactionOnNetwork [source]
Simulates a transaction.
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.TokenAmountOnNetwork(raw: dict[str, Any], token: multiversx_sdk.core.tokens.Token, amount: int, attributes: bytes, block_coordinates: multiversx_sdk.network_providers.resources.BlockCoordinates | None = None)[source]
- amount: int
- attributes: bytes
- block_coordinates: BlockCoordinates | None = None
- raw: dict[str, Any]
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.TokensCollectionMetadata(raw: dict[str, Any], collection: str, type: str, name: str, ticker: str, owner: str, decimals: int)[source]
- collection: str
- decimals: int
- name: str
- owner: str
- raw: dict[str, Any]
- ticker: str
- type: str
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.TransactionAwaiter(fetcher: ITransactionFetcher, polling_interval_in_milliseconds: int | None = None, timeout_interval_in_milliseconds: int | None = None, patience_time_in_milliseconds: int | None = None)[source]
TransactionAwaiter allows one to await until a specific event (such as transaction completion) occurs on a given transaction.
- Args:
fetcher (ITransactionFetcher): Used to fetch the transaction of the network. polling_interval_in_milliseconds (Optional[int]): The polling interval, in milliseconds. timeout_interval_in_milliseconds (Optional[int]): The timeout, in milliseconds. patience_time_in_milliseconds (Optional[int]): The patience, an extra time (in milliseconds) to wait, after the transaction has reached its desired status. Currently there’s a delay between the moment a transaction is marked as “completed” and the moment its outcome (contract results, events and logs) is available.
- await_completed(transaction_hash: str | bytes) TransactionOnNetwork [source]
Waits until the transaction is completely processed.
- await_on_condition(transaction_hash: str | bytes, condition: Callable[[TransactionOnNetwork], bool]) TransactionOnNetwork [source]
Waits until the condition is satisfied.
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.TransactionCostResponse(raw: dict[str, Any], gas_limit: int, status: multiversx_sdk.core.transaction_status.TransactionStatus)[source]
- gas_limit: int
- raw: dict[str, Any]
- status: TransactionStatus
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.TransactionDecoder[source]
Can be used for decoding custom token transfers transactions (ESDTTransfer, NFTTransfer, MultiESDTNFTTransfer).
- get_esdt_transaction_metadata(metadata: TransactionMetadata) TransactionMetadata | None [source]
- get_multi_transfer_metadata(metadata: TransactionMetadata) TransactionMetadata | None [source]
- get_nft_transfer_metadata(metadata: TransactionMetadata) TransactionMetadata | None [source]
- get_normal_transaction_metadata(transaction: TransactionOnNetwork) TransactionMetadata [source]
- get_transaction_metadata(transaction: TransactionOnNetwork) TransactionMetadata [source]
- class multiversx_sdk.network_providers.TransactionMetadata[source]
- function_args: list[str] | None
- function_name: str | None
- receiver: str
- sender: str
- transfer_messages: list[bytes]
This property is set to the extra arguments passed to ESDTTransfer when transferring tokens to non-smart contract accounts.
- transfers: list[TokenTransfer] | None
- value: int