multiversx_sdk.smart_contracts package
multiversx_sdk.smart_contracts.errors module
multiversx_sdk.smart_contracts.smart_contract_controller module
- class multiversx_sdk.smart_contracts.smart_contract_controller.INetworkProvider(*args, **kwargs)[source]
- await_transaction_completed(transaction_hash: str | bytes, options: AwaitingOptions | None = None) TransactionOnNetwork [source]
- query_contract(query: SmartContractQuery) SmartContractQueryResponse [source]
- class multiversx_sdk.smart_contracts.smart_contract_controller.SmartContractController(chain_id: str, network_provider: INetworkProvider, abi: Abi | None = None)[source]
- await_completed_deploy(transaction_hash: str | bytes) SmartContractDeployOutcome [source]
- await_completed_execute(transaction_hash: str | bytes) ParsedSmartContractCallOutcome [source]
- create_query(contract: Address, function: str, arguments: list[Any], caller: Address | None = None, value: int | None = None) SmartContractQuery [source]
- create_transaction_for_deploy(sender: IAccount, nonce: int, bytecode: Path | bytes, gas_limit: int, arguments: Sequence[Any] = [], native_transfer_amount: int = 0, is_upgradeable: bool = True, is_readable: bool = True, is_payable: bool = False, is_payable_by_sc: bool = True, guardian: Address | None = None, relayer: Address | None = None) Transaction [source]
- create_transaction_for_execute(sender: IAccount, nonce: int, contract: Address, gas_limit: int, function: str, arguments: Sequence[Any] = [], native_transfer_amount: int = 0, token_transfers: list[TokenTransfer] = [], guardian: Address | None = None, relayer: Address | None = None) Transaction [source]
- create_transaction_for_upgrade(sender: IAccount, nonce: int, contract: Address, bytecode: Path | bytes, gas_limit: int, arguments: Sequence[Any] = [], native_transfer_amount: int = 0, is_upgradeable: bool = True, is_readable: bool = True, is_payable: bool = False, is_payable_by_sc: bool = True, guardian: Address | None = None, relayer: Address | None = None) Transaction [source]
- parse_deploy(transaction_on_network: TransactionOnNetwork) SmartContractDeployOutcome [source]
- parse_execute(transaction_on_network: TransactionOnNetwork, function: str | None = None) ParsedSmartContractCallOutcome [source]
- parse_query_response(response: SmartContractQueryResponse) list[Any] [source]
- query(contract: Address, function: str, arguments: list[Any], caller: Address | None = None, value: int | None = None) list[Any] [source]
It calls create_query(), run_query() and parse_query_response() in one go.
- run_query(query: SmartContractQuery) SmartContractQueryResponse [source]
multiversx_sdk.smart_contracts.smart_contract_query module
multiversx_sdk.smart_contracts.smart_contract_transactions_factory module
- class multiversx_sdk.smart_contracts.smart_contract_transactions_factory.SmartContractTransactionsFactory(config: TransactionsFactoryConfig, abi: Abi | None = None)[source]
- create_transaction_for_changing_owner_address(sender: Address, contract: Address, new_owner: Address) Transaction [source]
- create_transaction_for_claiming_developer_rewards(sender: Address, contract: Address) Transaction [source]
- create_transaction_for_deploy(sender: Address, bytecode: Path | bytes, gas_limit: int, arguments: Sequence[Any] = [], native_transfer_amount: int = 0, is_upgradeable: bool = True, is_readable: bool = True, is_payable: bool = False, is_payable_by_sc: bool = True) Transaction [source]
- create_transaction_for_execute(sender: Address, contract: Address, function: str, gas_limit: int, arguments: Sequence[Any] = [], native_transfer_amount: int = 0, token_transfers: list[TokenTransfer] = []) Transaction [source]
- create_transaction_for_upgrade(sender: Address, contract: Address, bytecode: Path | bytes, gas_limit: int, arguments: Sequence[Any] = [], native_transfer_amount: int = 0, is_upgradeable: bool = True, is_readable: bool = True, is_payable: bool = False, is_payable_by_sc: bool = True) Transaction [source]
multiversx_sdk.smart_contracts.smart_contract_transactions_outcome_parser module
- class multiversx_sdk.smart_contracts.smart_contract_transactions_outcome_parser.Events(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]
- SCDeploy = 'SCDeploy'
- SignalError = 'signalError'
- WriteLog = 'writeLog'
- class multiversx_sdk.smart_contracts.smart_contract_transactions_outcome_parser.SmartContractCallOutcome(function: str = '', return_data_parts: list[bytes] = [], return_message: str = '', return_code: str = '')[source]
For internal use only.
- class multiversx_sdk.smart_contracts.smart_contract_transactions_outcome_parser.SmartContractTransactionsOutcomeParser(abi: Abi | None = None)[source]
- parse_deploy(transaction: TransactionOnNetwork) SmartContractDeployOutcome [source]
- parse_execute(transaction: TransactionOnNetwork, function: str | None = None) ParsedSmartContractCallOutcome [source]
multiversx_sdk.smart_contracts.smart_contract_transactions_outcome_parser_types module
- class multiversx_sdk.smart_contracts.smart_contract_transactions_outcome_parser_types.DeployedSmartContract(address: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address, owner_address: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address, code_hash: bytes)[source]
- code_hash: bytes
- class multiversx_sdk.smart_contracts.smart_contract_transactions_outcome_parser_types.ParsedSmartContractCallOutcome(values: list[Any], return_code: str, return_message: str)[source]
- return_code: str
- return_message: str
- values: list[Any]
- class multiversx_sdk.smart_contracts.smart_contract_transactions_outcome_parser_types.SmartContractDeployOutcome(return_code: str, return_message: str, contracts: list[multiversx_sdk.smart_contracts.smart_contract_transactions_outcome_parser_types.DeployedSmartContract])[source]
- contracts: list[DeployedSmartContract]
- return_code: str
- return_message: str
Module contents
- class multiversx_sdk.smart_contracts.DeployedSmartContract(address: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address, owner_address: multiversx_sdk.core.address.Address, code_hash: bytes)[source]
- code_hash: bytes
- class multiversx_sdk.smart_contracts.ParsedSmartContractCallOutcome(values: list[Any], return_code: str, return_message: str)[source]
- return_code: str
- return_message: str
- values: list[Any]
- class multiversx_sdk.smart_contracts.SmartContractController(chain_id: str, network_provider: INetworkProvider, abi: Abi | None = None)[source]
- await_completed_deploy(transaction_hash: str | bytes) SmartContractDeployOutcome [source]
- await_completed_execute(transaction_hash: str | bytes) ParsedSmartContractCallOutcome [source]
- create_query(contract: Address, function: str, arguments: list[Any], caller: Address | None = None, value: int | None = None) SmartContractQuery [source]
- create_transaction_for_deploy(sender: IAccount, nonce: int, bytecode: Path | bytes, gas_limit: int, arguments: Sequence[Any] = [], native_transfer_amount: int = 0, is_upgradeable: bool = True, is_readable: bool = True, is_payable: bool = False, is_payable_by_sc: bool = True, guardian: Address | None = None, relayer: Address | None = None) Transaction [source]
- create_transaction_for_execute(sender: IAccount, nonce: int, contract: Address, gas_limit: int, function: str, arguments: Sequence[Any] = [], native_transfer_amount: int = 0, token_transfers: list[TokenTransfer] = [], guardian: Address | None = None, relayer: Address | None = None) Transaction [source]
- create_transaction_for_upgrade(sender: IAccount, nonce: int, contract: Address, bytecode: Path | bytes, gas_limit: int, arguments: Sequence[Any] = [], native_transfer_amount: int = 0, is_upgradeable: bool = True, is_readable: bool = True, is_payable: bool = False, is_payable_by_sc: bool = True, guardian: Address | None = None, relayer: Address | None = None) Transaction [source]
- parse_deploy(transaction_on_network: TransactionOnNetwork) SmartContractDeployOutcome [source]
- parse_execute(transaction_on_network: TransactionOnNetwork, function: str | None = None) ParsedSmartContractCallOutcome [source]
- parse_query_response(response: SmartContractQueryResponse) list[Any] [source]
- query(contract: Address, function: str, arguments: list[Any], caller: Address | None = None, value: int | None = None) list[Any] [source]
It calls create_query(), run_query() and parse_query_response() in one go.
- run_query(query: SmartContractQuery) SmartContractQueryResponse [source]
- class multiversx_sdk.smart_contracts.SmartContractDeployOutcome(return_code: str, return_message: str, contracts: list[multiversx_sdk.smart_contracts.smart_contract_transactions_outcome_parser_types.DeployedSmartContract])[source]
- contracts: list[DeployedSmartContract]
- return_code: str
- return_message: str
- class multiversx_sdk.smart_contracts.SmartContractQuery(contract: Address, function: str, arguments: list[bytes], caller: Address | None = None, value: int | None = None)[source]
- class multiversx_sdk.smart_contracts.SmartContractQueryResponse(function: str, return_code: str, return_message: str, return_data_parts: list[bytes])[source]
- class multiversx_sdk.smart_contracts.SmartContractTransactionsFactory(config: TransactionsFactoryConfig, abi: Abi | None = None)[source]
- create_transaction_for_changing_owner_address(sender: Address, contract: Address, new_owner: Address) Transaction [source]
- create_transaction_for_claiming_developer_rewards(sender: Address, contract: Address) Transaction [source]
- create_transaction_for_deploy(sender: Address, bytecode: Path | bytes, gas_limit: int, arguments: Sequence[Any] = [], native_transfer_amount: int = 0, is_upgradeable: bool = True, is_readable: bool = True, is_payable: bool = False, is_payable_by_sc: bool = True) Transaction [source]
- create_transaction_for_execute(sender: Address, contract: Address, function: str, gas_limit: int, arguments: Sequence[Any] = [], native_transfer_amount: int = 0, token_transfers: list[TokenTransfer] = []) Transaction [source]
- create_transaction_for_upgrade(sender: Address, contract: Address, bytecode: Path | bytes, gas_limit: int, arguments: Sequence[Any] = [], native_transfer_amount: int = 0, is_upgradeable: bool = True, is_readable: bool = True, is_payable: bool = False, is_payable_by_sc: bool = True) Transaction [source]
- class multiversx_sdk.smart_contracts.SmartContractTransactionsOutcomeParser(abi: Abi | None = None)[source]
- parse_deploy(transaction: TransactionOnNetwork) SmartContractDeployOutcome [source]
- parse_execute(transaction: TransactionOnNetwork, function: str | None = None) ParsedSmartContractCallOutcome [source]